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Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club
- Meeting Minutes -


Board Of Directors Meeting
May 16,2024
In attendance
Terry Oxley President , KJ7RAR
John Balling V. President, N7VKH
Paul Anderson Treasurer, AF7ZB
Scott Bolen Member at large, K7EGA
Gene Oldham Secretary, KA3JKB
Bob Brodosky, K6UDA
After a discussion with the hams at lunch regarding 2024 Field Day, the Board, by motion, decided if 18 club members would commit to spending 2 or more hours at Field Day we would have Field Day at the K6UDA location. A sign up sheet will be available at the banquet on May 17.
Prepared by KA3JKB


K7MVA Monthly Meeting
President Terry KJ7RAR presiding.
All BOD members present except for Gordon AA7TQ

The annual club party will be held May 17th at the “Barn” just off highway 93 in Jerome. The price of a meal will be around $25.00. It will be buffet Style. People attending need to ASVP with Terry.
There will be a club meeting on May 13th at Idaho Pizza at the regular time.
The Tuesday night Net was talked about, and encouragement was given to take the time to check in.
To improve the content of our meetings presentation ideas and people to do presentations are very much needed. We need people to step up and offer ideas and participate.
Reminder to buy raffle tickets for the prizes to be given away at the club party.

Elections were help our new Board of Directors are:
President Terry Oxley KJ7RAR
Vice President John Balling N7VKH
Secretary Gene Oldham KA3JKB
Treasure Paul Andersen AF7ZB
Member at Large Scott Bolen K7EGA

A Video tour of Kents KV7N Ham Shack and antennas
Presentation on FT8 was given by Kent KV7N

Half Pot was awarded and the meeting adjourned.


March 2024
Board of Directors Minutes for March

Through conversing through emails phone calls and face to face the board has agreed to the following changes.
The monthly meeting held on the second Monday of every month will be moved the Idaho Pizza location. Time to gather will be at 6:00 PM and Meeting presentation start at 7:00 PM. The purpose of this move is to try to increase the attendance to the meeting especially before the presentation.
We have been notified by Happy Landing that they will not be able to host our club party this year. With such short notice Terry has scrambled and found another location that works for us. It will be held at the Barn just north or Twin Falls on Highway 93. We had to move the day to Friday evening the 17th instead of the 18th. Terry will send out more information on this.


K7MVA Club BOD Minutes


All BOD members are present

President: Terry Oxley KJ7RAR
Vice President:  Gordon Olsson AA7TQ
Secretary:  Brent Adamson, K2SAW
Treasurer: Jeremy Brown KA7BIF
Member at Large: Paul Andersen AF7ZB

It was decided that the annual club party will be held on May 18th 2024 at the Happy Landing restaurant. We will gather at 6 PM and dinner will be served at 7PM. Menu and pricing will be posted later.

There will be prizes raffled off during the party, you must be a member to buy tickets. Tickets will cost $1.00 each. This year’s raffle items will be 1- $200 HRO gift card, 3- $100 HRO gift cards, and a current year ARRL handbook.

We will also have about a $100 worth of prizes that will be non radio related to raffle off to anyone that wants to buy tickets for them. Price of tickets will be $1.00 each. Debbie KG7SIQ will purchase these items.

Tickets can be purchased online or at any club meeting.

It was also decided to sale the clubs antenna that was on top of the scout office, asking price will be $500.00. More information will be posted on reflector at a later date.

The clubs finances were also reviewed.

Meeting dismissed.



Meeting called to order by Terry Oxley, President, KJ7RAR
12 noon at Happy Landing Restaurant

Three BOD members attending:
President Terry Oxley KJ7RAR
VP Gordon Olsson AA7TQ
Paul Andersen   AF7ZB


Annual Party held May 20th
Income from ticket sales  $260
Expenses  $570

The BOD is looking at some ideas to earn money for the club such as:
    A.  White Elephant auction
    B.  Ongoing raffles
BOD is open to suggestions.

The BOD discussed some ideas of when to hold BOD meetings.  The BOD decided for the time being to hold BOD meetings AFTER the regular meetings on Monday nights.  This would give those who attend the meeting before hand to stay for the BOD meetings if desired and there wouldn't have to be yet another day/time to attend the meetings.  The BOD will try this schedule to see how it works for everyone.  A BOD meeting would only be held when the President decides there needs to be one.

The BOD will consider the new tower on Hansen Butte.  A tower and other needed items have been secured for this purpose.

From Bob Brodovsky K6UDA, Field Daly Chairman
Field Day will be held June 24/25 at K6UDA's QTH.
Volunteers are needed for setup and tear down and to operate.
Club will be a 3E category this year with 3 transmitters operating.
There will be a potluck dinner held that Saturday at 6 p.m.  Club will provide meat, drinks and condiments and supplies.  Anyone welcome to bring another dish.  Bring your own CHAIRS!
Bod discussed ways to make extra points for FD including an educational table with various radios that could be demonstrated.

Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.





Meeting called to order by Jim W7OUU President

Pledge of Allegiance

Jim W7OUU. In the future our club meetings will no longer have long discussions or reports. All this information will be posted on the reflector for all those that want to see it. In the future our meetings will be centered around Ham related topics in the form of presentations and hands on activities. The club meeting will also be moved to the second Monday of every month at Loong Hing Restaurant. Meeting will start at 7PM if you want to eat beforehand come at 6PM. For the month of July we will have to find a place to hold our meeting because Loung HIng will be closed. If anyone has suggestions let the BOD know.

We had introductions and we were asked what year we were licensed and what other call signs we have had.


President - Terry Oxley KJ7RAR
Vice President – Gordon Olsson AA7TQ
Secretary - Brent Adamson K2SAW
Treasure – Jeremy Brown KA7BIF
Member at Large Paul Anderson AF7ZB


Terry KJ7RAR Takes over as President and presides over meeting.

The Club Party was discussed: It was decided it would be held the 20th of May at the Happy Landing Restaurant.

Menu and pricing will be sent out on the reflector.

We will be raffling off several smaller prices this year instead of just one big one.

Jeremy KA7BIF Ares-Races

The Falls to Falls race is coming up fast. He still needs about 5 more people to cover all the stations.

The Ares- Races repeater is working very well and will be used at the race.

We also have been asked to help with the Air Show that will be in June.

Bob K6UDA Talked about Field Day and asked for all those that wanted to help out to stay after the meeting for a File Day Meeting

Jordon KJ7RBS Talked about a Mess Network he is putting up and welcomed everyone interested to get involved. For more information contact him.

Half Pot was awarded

Meeting was closed



Meeting called to order by Jim W7OUU President

Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions.

Treasurer Report Jeremy KA7BIF

All bills are current including the insurance for the club.

Idaho QSO Party Kelly K7SU

We received an update on the IDAHO QSO Party. It will be at Bob’s K6UDA place instructions on how to get to his place are on the reflector. There will be sandwiches and chips for those that come out. Please bring your own chair.

Ideas for Meeting format Kelly K7SU

Idea was presented to club that all the business type items be handled by BOD and Meeting time should be used for presentations and fun stuff. Those in the meeting agreed this would be a good idea

Moving or changing date of club meeting Jim W7OUU

As of June we will no longer be able to have our meeting at Loong Hing restaurant.

Discussion followed of options of different places and times that we could have meeting. It was decided to table discussion until further research can be done.

Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

We have3 been asked to help out with The Fall to Fall foot races at the end of April. We need at least 8 people to help, but 12 would be much better. We will be using the Ares-Races trailer as command center and will be using the new repeater in it as the communications.

We have also been asked to be at the County Fair. This time we are asked to be there all week. Volunteers will be needed to man this booth.

Meeting closed

The Half Pot of $35.00 was awarded.



Meeting Called to order by Jim W7OUU President

Pledge of Allegiance and introductions.

Please be aware...elections will be held for new officers at the April meeting.

Treasurer Report Jeremy KA7BIF

All bills are paid. Club is doing well.

Repeater Report Lance KB7SQS

All repeaters are working.  The Harrison Node, 449.200 Fusion is somewhat delayed due to distance to control station.  Please allow a couple seconds when keying up and un-keying.

The 443.750 Fusion repeater is now located south of the Twin Falls Airport.  Use DCS-23 to access it and NOT PL100.

The 145.17 repeater on Hansen Butte is parked on Skyhub.  Hope to replace the antenna/tower sometime this spring.

All digital repeaters in the area operated by MVARC are now DCS-23 for access.

A D-Star repeater located in Jerome on 448.800 is available for use.

Idaho QSO Party  Kelly K7SU

MVARC is the IDQP sponsor.  It will be held March 11 and 12.  Details at

Field Day Report  Jim W7OUU

It has been decided that 2023 Field Day in June will be held at Bob's QTH K6UDA.

ARES Report   Jeremy KA7BIF

MVARC will be at the Twin Falls County Fair again in September with the TF County Emergency Responders.  This year we will be there all 5 days of the fair.

Presentation on Antennas by Jim W7OUU

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. motion by Kelly Jenrick KB7RFT, second by Gordon AA7TQ.



Meeting called to order at 9 a.m. by Jim W7OUU President


Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions. Everyone reported on what they have been doing as a Ham operator.

Treasurer Report Jeremy KA7BIF

All bills are current. Money from our account has been used to purchase a Domain for the Idaho QSO Party.

Currently we have 120 members in the club. All those wanting to join or renew can do so online or I will except cash or check and get you signed up.

Explorer 773 Jeremy KA7BIF

We have received the objective or task that our new robot will have to perform for the next competition.

This year we have more youth participating in the program than we did last year so that is exciting.

Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

The new repeater has been programed the frequency is 444.100 +100 tone. With the addition of the new 991A some of the old equipment will be decommissioned. This equipment can be donated or given to a good cause but it cannot be sold. I would suggest that the old equipment be given to the South Hills School for the Ham club Jim and Gene are trying to get set up.

Jeremy asked for an allocation of money from the club to do further updates to the emergency communication trailer. He was asked to put together a proposal of what he wanted to do and how much he would need and summit it to the BOD.

Jeremy also brought up that we need to get the radios and related equipment out of the Scout Building as soon as possible. It was decided that we will be giving the stuff away at our meetings until it is gone.

Idaho QSO Party Kelly K7SU

We received an update on the IDAHO QSO Party. There is now a web page set up for it.

The official name of the event is now Idaho QSO Part Spud Run. We have added new features and scoring options to make it more exciting and to try to get more people to participate.


Field day and Winter Field Day Bob K6UDA

Bob updated us on Field Day coming up this year. He has set up a committee to help get things organized. There was a discussion of where we should hold field day. Would it be best to have it at Bob’s location again were noise conditions are good and would make for better contacts. Or should we hold it in a more public place such as the Visitor’s Center where we would be noticed more but the radio conditions would not be nearly as good. Bob and the committee will take the things talked about into consideration and decide how to move forward with location and set up. How to publicize this event to the public was also talked about.

The Half Pot of $50.00 was awarded. We continued to draw tickets out of the pot to give away some of the radio related equipment the club owns.

It was decided to not do the presentation this month because the meeting had lasted longer than expected

Meeting was closed




Meeting called to order by Jim W7OUU, President

Pledge of Allegiance and introductions.

Treasurer Report, Jeremy KA7BIF

Club is in good shape.  For details on the finances contact Jeremy Brown KA7BIF

Explorer Group, Jeremy KA7BIF

There are now around 20 members of the Explorer Post 773 sponsored by MVARC.  Their next project will begin in January 2023 as the group will build another robot in competition with 48 other Explorer groups. 

MVARC Membership, Jeremy KA7BIF

MVARC now has 124 paid members in the club.


ARES/RACES is now waiting for the arrival of new equipment purchase by the Twin Falls County Emergency Coordinator's office.  The Yaesu DR2x repeater has arrived.  Still waiting for the arrival of the  Yaesu FT-991a.  This equipment will be installed in the EmComm trailer for use during emergencies and demonstrations.  The proposed frequency for the DR2x repeater is 444.100.

New Business:

Mike, K7CAN, reports that ISP Sgt. Mike Wendler, K7BAC, who was badly hurt while on duty several months ago is progressing and healing well.  He hopes to be attending meetings and be back on the air soon.

Idaho QSO Party, Bob - K6UDA

Bob showed several proposed designs for the Idaho QSO Party T-shirt that will be available for purchase.  He was getting information about which design the members would prefer.

ARRL Field Day 2023, Bob K6UDA

Planning is underway for Field Day 2023.  Members talked about proposed locations for the activity in 2023 as well as other aspects.  Several in attendance volunteered to be on the 2023 Field Day Committee including Jim W7OUU, Gene W7JCJ, Jeremy KA7BIF, Terry KJ7RAR, Gordon AA7TQ as well as Bob, K6UDA.

Bob also gave statistics about FD-2022 and were we would as a club in the final analysis. 

Meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.     Oscar, K7KOA won the half-pot.



Meeting called to order by Jim W7OUU President

Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions. Everyone reported on what they have been doing as a Ham operator.

Treasurer Report Jeremy KA7BIF

The club has changed banks. We are now with Idaho First Federal. This account is in the name of the Club so the club owns it and not an individual like the old account was. All bills are current. Strobe lights have been bought and put on the emergency trailer and a new deep cycle battery was installed in the trailer.

The Arrl needs a person to keep track and report the Silent keys in Idaho so they can be listed. Ed KB6BFR volunteered to take on this job.

Repeater Report

All repeaters are work at this time

Idaho QSO Party Kelly K7SU

We are continuing to work on the Idaho QSO party. We are adding things to make it more interesting and hopefully get more people involved.


Field day and Winter Field Day

Bob K6UDA is going to open up his studio 2 for winter field day. All are invited to attend. It is heated has a frig and a microwave so you can operate in style.


Radio frequencies were discussed on how they are being taken away from us. If we do not use the spectrum we are going to lose it.


Grant money for the Club

Jackie Frey who is the Twin Falls County Emergency Management Coordinator attended our meeting and let us know that she was able to get the grant for us to add new equipment to the emergency trailer. One of the things we will be getting is a repeater. She is a great asset and supporter of our club. She encouraged us to use the trailer to take it out to events so the public can see it.

How you can make your own Fox Hunt transmitter without spending a lot of money. Gordon AA7TQ

Gordon showed us how easy it is to make a Fox Hunt transmitter using a handy talky set to VOX and some type of voice recorder like a mp3 player that has recorded messages on it that are set up to repeat at certain time intervals


Building electronic projects Bill W7AAZ

Bill builds a lot of radio equipment and is very talented. Today he brought the beginnings of a antenna tuner. So far it is just the aluminum chassis. The cool part is he cut, milled, bend and connected all the aluminum parts himself. He will keep us posted as the project advances. Bill started to building over 70 years ago. One of the first things he made was a crystal radio receiver. Bill offered to share his knowledge to anyone that is interested.


The Half Pot of $52.00 was awarded and meeting was adjourned.



Meeting called to order by Jim W7OUU President

Pledge of Allegiance


Since the office of President has been vacated Jim W7OUU will move to the office of President for the remainder of this term. In accordance with our by-laws an election is needed to fill the office of Vice –President for the remainder of this term.

Gene W7JCJ Kelly KB7RFT and Terry KJ7RAR were nominated. Gene W7JCJ was elected.

Club Ham Shack

The antenna has been removed from the roof of the building and things have been packed up. For the time being we will leave everything in the room at the Scout office until the time comes we have to move it.

Treasurer Report

The club has over $4000.00 in the bank. All bills are current. The Money agreed upon to send to Mike K7BAC has been donated.

Fox Hunt

There will be a Fox Hunt this coming Saturday. Jeremy will post more information on the reflector as to the start location and so forth.


There will be Scouts in the Park on Oct 22. He would like to have 3 or 4 volunteers to come help out with this function.

Repeater Report Lance KB7SQS

They are all working. Just a reminder that all the digital repeaters will also work on analog and are coded DCS-23.

Idaho QSO Party Bob K6UDA

Kelly and I have been working on adding some fun stuff to the party. We will have some bonus stations that will have special call signs set up. If you contact these stations they will be worth extra points. Bobs station will be one of these stations. He has invited everyone to come out and help operate under the special call sign. You will be able to earn lots of extra points by working the bonus stations and this year we will even be giving prizes.

Rock Creek Middle School Gene W7JCJ

Gene teaches school at the Rock Creek Middle School. He sees where an activity like a Ham Club would be a great opportunity for the children in this school. He believes a program like this would really bring the kids out of their shells, give them motivation and help keep them out of trouble. He would like to see the club get involved in helping with a project like this with volunteering time and also donating equipment to get it started. Further discussion will be needed as we learn more. This could really be a good thing for these children and help start a young group of ham operators.

The Half Pot was awarded and meeting was adjourned.



Called to order by Jim W7OUU Vice President

Pledge and Introductions

Kelly K7SU Report

On Field Day we had three Idaho troopers that were newly licensed ham operators show up. They ended up staying late into the night operating the radios. One of them, Mike Wendler K7BAC while directing traffic at an accident was hit by a moving vehicle. He is at this time in the Idaho Falls medical center. He is in critical but stable condition. He has head injuries and brain swelling. At this point it could go either way. There has been a Go Fund Me account set up for him. If any of you feel so inclined to help out this is a way of doing it. He is a young guy with a family so let’s do what we can to help, and also keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

There was a motion with a second that the club donates $1000.00 to Mike using the Go Fund Me account. All were in agreement.

Treasurer Report Kelly K7SU

Bills are current. Some money was spent to print up flyer material so when we go to events we have information to hand out.

Repeater Report

Flat Top was down for a while but Lance has it back up and working. There was discussion on moving the internet connection to another location to help solve this problem. The Thursday night Digital net will be discontinued soon.

Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

We were at the fair this week. The turnout was better this year than last. Jackie does a lot for us and helps us in the county. We approached her about getting funds to update some equipment in our emergency trailer. She told us to get a bid for the items and she would work on it.


We will be taking down the club station this month and will need some help with taking the antenna off the roof and boxing things up.

There was discussion on what to do with the Tube Bank that is presently stored at Brent K2SAW house. First thing is to have those members that have tube radios look and see what tubes they might need in the future and let them get what they need.

Meeting was adjourned

Half pot is 41 dollars. Bil K8MPW won and donated it back to Mike’s recovery fund.

Kelly K7SU gave demonstration on Fox Hunt



Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President



Field day was discussed. It was a great success. Comments were made that it was one of the best Field Days we have had in a while. Had new Hams show up and they jumped in and got on the radios and had a good time. Kelly K7SU asked the question: What could we do different to make more people want to come out and participate? It was also asked if only a few show up, is it worth the effort to do field day. Those present at the meeting felt that no matter how few did come out for Field Day it was very much worth the effort. Bob K6UDA has some ideas that he feels will make our Field Day better. He will present them to us at a later date. Jim W7OUU suggested that we need to have someone work satellites next year.

The Green tower still needs to be taken down. It was decide that on July 20th a group would go out and get this job done. Kelly K7SU will find out the best time to do this and let us know.

In the future we are going to lose the location we now have our club Ham Shack located at. Do we wait to see what happens or do we move out now? It was decided that it was best to move things at our convenience. Thoughts on what to do with the equipment were talked about.

Motion to move the club station was presented and received a second. Motion passed. Tentative date of Sept 16th after the testing session was decided.

Kelly K7SU updated the club on what is happening with the Idaho QSO party. We are always thinking of new ways to make it better and getting more people involved.

Half pot was 21 dollars

Meeting closed.

Bil K8MPW Presentation on Winlink

Global email system over HF. This is excellent information, very much worth viewing if you were not present. Links will be posted on reflector of this presentation.


Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President          


Treasurer Report  Kelly K7SU

Bills are paid; Club Party cost about $500.  We have about $5000.00 in the bank

Repeater Report

No report

Ares-Races  Jeremy KA7BIF

No report

773 Explores  Ben N7BEN

No Report

Old Business

Club Party was talked about

New Business

Field day was reviewed.  Bob K6UDA is hosting the event at his location.  He talked about setup and the stations we will run.  Everyone is encouraged to come and have a good time.

Keven KD7IYA.  The Ham group in the Rupert, Burley area will be having field day at Neptune Park in Rupert.  They will set up Saturday morning and run into the night, but not on Sunday. Operation will be a 2 station setup using emergency power, and will also have a 2 meter GOTA station.


Half pot is 31 dollars

Meeting closed.





Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President          

Pledge of Allegiance

Treasurer Report  Jeremy KA7BIF

All bills have been paid and the gift cards for the party have been paid for.  We have 119 members in our club at this time.

Repeater Report

No report

Ares-Races  Jeremy KA7BIF

No report

773 Explores  Ben N7BEN

Explorer Post 773 attended our meeting and showed us the robot that they had built and entered into the robot competition.  They activated the robot and drove it around for us to see and showed us the different components. They talked about the things they learned and what they would like to do better next time. Over all it was a great success and those that participated had a good time.

Old Business

New Business

There are a couple of towers and antennas that are up for the taking if any buddy wants to go take them down.

Kevin KD7IYA Reported on Mt Harrison and the updates that need to be done.  Grants have been applied for to help with the updates.  Kevin also talked about the different repeaters that are there and the different groups that use them. He also reminded us about the swap meet that will be in August.

Half pot is 34 dollars

Meeting closed.




Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President          

Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

Treasurer Report  Jeremy KA7BIF

All bills have been paid.  The club generator has been purchased with the help of a member donation.  The $2000.00 dollars have been allocated for the club party raffle of two gift cards from HRO.

Repeater Report Kelly  K7SU

All repeaters are working.  There has been very little traffic on them.

Ares-Races  Jeremy KA7BIF

Nothing new to report

773 Explores  Ben N7BEN

We attended the robot competition.  We placed 21 out of 28 contestants.  We won Rookie of the year award.  Next month we will bring the robot to the club meeting and do a more detailed report.

Old Business

The new generator has been purchased we will be testing it out before field day to make sure it will operate correctly.

The club party is coming together menu items will be posted soon.  If you are planning on eating you need to RSVP

New Business

It was asked by the show of hands how many people have ever used the club station.  Very few hands went up.

Club elections

All Board of director positions stayed the same.  Alex W0LVJ President, Jim W7OUU Vice President, Bob K6UDA Member at Large, Brent K2SAW Secretary, Jeremy KA7BIF Treasurer

Field Day Jim W7OUU

We will be running two stations. We will be using the tower trailer.  One thing we are always short of is operators.  Please come out and get on the radio.  Field day will be at Bob’s place K6UDA.  A map will be put online how to get there. There will be snacks provided.  Bring your own chair. There will be places to set up camping.

Half pot is 51 dollars

Meeting closed.



Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President

Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

Treasurer Report Jeremy KA7BIF

We have paid Idaho Power and our Liability Insurance. The club purchased Quicken software to help keep finances in order. The club also purchased Zoom software so that we could go live with our meetings. Idaho power is a monthly payment and varies depending on the temperature of the building. We also donated $100.00 to a group that put together programs that will make the IQS party much easier for us to do. These programs have taken the work load of days down to hours . As the ISO event grows this is a big plus for us.

Repeater Report Lance KB7SQS

Repeaters are all working. 449.200 is also back on the air.

Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

We will be doing the Twin Falls Fair this year. There will be no Bike race this year.

773 Explores Spencer KJ7AVA

Still working on the robot, we have three weeks until the competition. We will be meeting about 19 more times before then to get the project finished. After this competition is done in Boise we will start to prep for the Idaho only contest that will be in Pocatello. We are averaging 12 kids coming out to help out.

Old Business

Kelly K7SU

The Idaho QSO Party starts today and goes till one tomorrow. There was a raise of hands of those that are planning on participating in the party. This is a great time to get on the air and help other Hams that are trying for contacts in Idaho. The amount of people participating in this event is growing every year. We are thinking about changing the name of the IQS to something else to liven it up a little.

Jeremy KA7BIF

We had our Fox Hunt last month. We used the new transmitter that Tracey K7TLE built. It worked very well. We still have material to build antennas for this. If you are interested please contact me.

New Business

Next month is election month. Please be thinking about if you want to run or who you would like to nominate to run. To run for office or to vote you must be a paid member of the club.

Spring party is coming up the third Saturday of May which is the 21st. We will go ahead and have our regular meeting on the second Saturday of May because we will need to get things going for Field Day.

There was a discussion on what to do for raffle prizes at our club party. Several ideas were presented. It was moved and received a second that we spend up to $2,000.00 dollars on prizes. Part of the motion was that we raffle off some of the club equipment that is not being used at the club party. Voting was unanimous as a Yay.

Field Day

It will be on June 25 and 26. We will be operating 2 transceivers and a GOTA. File day will be held at Bob K6UDA place of residence. He has 5 acres so setting up radios and tents or RVs will be easy to do. We will use emergency power to get the extra 100 points. We will rent a potapotty.

Motion was made with a second to buy a generator it moved to discussion, and discussed and then talked about more and then re-discussed. A club member came forward and donated money to pay for half the cost of the generator. The vote was in favor of getting the generator.

Half pot is 51 dollars

Meeting closed.



02/12/2022 9:04 AM  26 Members Present 4 on Zoom

Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President          

Other Board Members present, Brent Adamson K2SAW,  Bob Brodovsky K6UDA,  Jim Kennedy W7OUU

Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

Treasurer Report  Brent K2SAW

We have money in the account all bills are current.

Repeater Report Lance KB7SQS

On all wires X repeaters if you want to use them on analog the analog code has been changed to DTS 023. The old code was an analog code and was messing with All Star and Echo Link. The new code will make the system work better. You only need to change the code if you are coming into the repeaters by analog.

 Mount Harrison is still down and will probably be down till late summer when the snow melts.
(Ed.Note -   449.200 repeater is fixed and back in operation.)

Ares-Races  Jeremy KA7BIF

This next Saturday will be our Fox Hunt.  Tracey K7TLE has built us a new transmitter.  It will transmit a voice recording or CW. Tracey explained how he made it and some of the features that it has.  This will be a great improvement to what we have been using. Tracey will continue to make improvements and add features to help keep our Fox Hunts interesting.  The club acknowledged and thanked Tracey for his hard work and effort on this project. 

 We also still have materials to make “Tape Measure” antennas for the Fox Hunt, if you want to make an antenna get in touch with Jeremy.

 773 Explores  Spencer KJ7AVA

We are having a pretty good turnout for the building of our robot.  We are about half way done with it. We went over to the wood shop at CSI and cut out a bunch of stuff so that we can mock up the course that the robot will have to function in so that they can set it up correctly to shot the balls at the right speed and angle to accomplish its tasks.  We have about 15 active youth.

New Business

Idaho QSO Party Kelly K7SU

The Idaho QSO part will be March 12th and 13th.  During this contest there will a lot of operators trying to make contact with as many Idaho Hams as they can.  This year all logs will have to be in Cabrillo format to be counted.  We had to do this to make the logging easier .The people that participants in this QSO has gone from about 100 to over 400  since we took it over and anything we can do to make things move smoother and quicker we need to do.

Our club party will be in May, but it will be held on the Third weekend being the 21st at the Happy Landing restaurant.

There will be Officer Elections in April so be thinking about who you want to nominate.

Field Day is coming up the end of June.

We need to have someone in the club be a new member liaison.  We are letting new Ham operators fall between the cracks. We need to have someone that reaches out and makes contact with them and help them with what they need. 

Terry Oxley KJ7RAR volunteered to head this up.

The duties of the club Treasurer we outlined and discussed Nominations were opened.

Larry K7LYL and Jeremy KA7BIF were nominated they both had the opportunity to express why they wanted the job. The vote was held and Jeremy KA7BIF was elected. He will serve until the April Elections.

It was once again pointed out that our club has a web site.  Many of the questions and all the repeater information is on that sight.  Please take the time to go out and look at

Ben KJ7GUI reported on Winter Field day.  There was a lot of people show up for Winter Field Day.  For the first few hours there were probably 20 people in the club ham shack. Everyone had a good time.  We did not get a lot of contacts because something happened to our antenna and it was not working correctly.

Half pot was 35 dollars

Jim W7OUU moved and Kelly K7SU Second the close of the meeting. Passed and meeting adjourned




Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
January 8th 2022
13 present
Alex W0LVJ Conducting
BOD present Jim W7OUU, Brent K2SAW and Bob K6UDA

Treasure report was sent out by Email by Terry

Repeater Report- APR and Intertie are offline at this time.

Explorer 773- The Club is doing good.  There are about 15 youth involved at this time.  They are in Boise today picking up the robot and learning about the tasks.

New Business

It was brought up that we might want to start to incorporate a zoom meeting ability into our meetings for those that can not come to the meetings physically.

Discussion followed by various members as to would this help our club or hinder our club.  Would if effect the amount of people that would come to the meeting?

If we did a Zoom meeting type of situation, should it be a view only or should the people viewing remotely be able to interact, ask questions and vote.

After the pros and cons were brought up and discussed it was moved and seconded that our monthly meetings will be broadcast by Zoom and that it will be a two-way connection.  Remote viewers will be able to participate in discussions, make motions, and vote as if they were physically at the meeting. The Member at Large will be in control of the Zoom Meeting computer. This will help the meeting run smoother and that remote viewers comments and votes get heard and recorded. All present voted in favor of the motion.

To start with Alex will bring his camera to use for the meeting.  As we learn what we want and need the club will buy a camera for the Zoom podcasts.

Kelly K7SU was authorized to buy the Zoom Meeting software. The amount will be about $150.00


A possible topic for our monthly meeting presentation presented “ How do we protect our radios and equipment from EMP possibilities.”

Winter Field Day is coming up and the club station will be active.  Everyone is invited to come and participate or at least just hang out if you want.

Motion to dismiss and a second. Votes were all Yas


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

Date: December 11th, 2021

Time: 0901

Members in Attendance: 21

Pledge of Allegiance



Old Business:

Repeater Report: Lance KB7SQS

Mt. Harrison Fusion repeater 449.200 is down and will probably be down until next summer when we can get access to it.

All other systems are working fine.

ARES Report  Jeremy Brown KA7BIF:

 ARES meeting following the regular club meeting.
ARES/Club exerc ise...FOX HUNT Saturday Dec. 18, 9 a.m. at TF Scout Office.


Explorer Report  Ben Hamlet N7BEN:

 Explorers are building a ROBOT and plan to compete with it.  There are 15 to 20 kids involved with this project.

Adults in the Explorer Post 773 program it's time to pay your yearly charter membership of $47.   Those who need to pay include:   Jim Kennedy, Gene Kennedy, Bil Johnson, Ben Hammett, Darren Nickerson, Kelly Klaas, Spencer Stacey.

Changes in MVARC Bylaws  Brent Adamson K2SAW:

Changes were made to the MVARC Bylaws and included the following changes/additions.

Starting in 2023 the membership will elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large each year. This changes the tradition of the VP automatically taking over the President position each year.

There will be a four year limit on the number of consecutive years a member may serve in the same position on the BOD.  The member must wait one year before he/she can be elected to that same position.  However, the BOD member can be immediately elected to another position on the BOD.

If the duly elected President cannot, for any reason, fulfill the term, the Vice President will take over the position of the President until the next election and his/her term will end at that point.  However, that same person may be nominated for another term as President.  An election will be held at the next meeting to elect a new Vice President who will fulfill the term until the next election.  If the VP, Treasurer, Secretary or Member at Large cannot fulfill their terms an election will be held at the next regular meeting to fill that position. 

The BOD has the authority to spend an amount of club funds of up to and including $500 without membership approval. 

The Board of Directors has the authority to remove any member from MVARC.

A motion was made by Ed Mitchell KB6BFR and seconded by Lance Vander Meiden KB7SQS to vote on the measure.

The above changes/additions were approved by a unanimous vote of those attending the meeting.

New Business:

Brent Adamson talked about resuming presentations at meetings and the possibility of having other meetings at other venues.

Jim Kennedy W7OUU was elected to the position of Vice President to complete the term of former VP Alex Payne W0LVJ who took over the President position.

Brent Adamson K2SAW won the half-pot.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. after a unanimous approval of a motion to adjourn.



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

Date: November 13th, 2021

Time: 0903

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business:

JOTA: Group of scouts came and got Merit Badge and quiet a few folks came to see what it was about.


Treasurer Report: Only a couple things changed from October’s report

Repeater Report: Kelly, K7SU and Lance, KB7SQS

Issues with Fusion Repeater on Flat Top – Communication issue with Cell phone (Jet Pack) that is connecting it to the Repeater-X – Looking at a new location for a control point. When it’s not working, you’ll hear it key-up periodically. The Jet Pack is what controls the Wires-X.

Harrison – Ben in Cary is control for Harrison – it can get behind 30-40 seconds.

444.600 is the best repeater in the Twin Falls area.

No ARES/RACES report

Ken Green’s tower disassembly will be sometime in 2022

New Business:

Went through the Roster to verify the we have a quorum. – 19 Members and 2 Board members present – Quorum was present at the meeting.

Read the By-Laws as they stand and discussed some proposed changes.

New Entry:

  • Discussion:

    • Add to current bylaws.  “Aspire to follow the ARRL’s Amateur’s Radio Code.”

1A: If for any reason the office of President is vacated during the term, the Vice President will become Acting President until the next election. In this situation another Member at large will be voted into office to keep the Board of Directors at a membership of five. This new Member at Large will serve until next election.

  • Discussion:

    • Change “If for any reason the office of President is vacated during the term, the Vice President will become Acting President until the next election. In this situation another Member in Good Standing will be voted into office to keep the Board of Directors at a membership of five. This Interum Board Member will serve until next election.

1B: If the office of Secretary, Treasurer or Member at Large is vacated during the term, an election will be held at a regular scheduled club meeting. The newly elected position shall serve until next election.

  • Discussion:

    • Change “If the offices of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Member at Large are vacated during the term, an election will be held at a regular scheduled club meeting to elect a replacement. The newly elected position shall serve until next election.

9: If the Board of Directors by majority vote decides a member of the club is not acting in a positive and constructive manor towards the club and or its members, they have the authority to bring those concerns to the club quorum. By a Motion, Second, Discussion and then a vote of the quorum present, action can then be taken towards that member including but not limited to revoking, club rights, club privileges, and club membership. If membership is revoked ex member’s club dues shall be prorated and unused dues returned to them.

  • Discussion:

(Number 9 above will probably be changed to read similar to...”Club members, by a majority vote, have the right to revoke or refuse membership to anyone without cause.”


The BOD is reworking the bylaws to reflect suggestions at this meeting and all will be discussed in subsequent meetings before it goes to a vote by the club in a future meeting.


Club members voted near unanimously to move the annual January party to May.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


10/9/21 9:05 AM 19 Members Present

  1. Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President

Board Members present, Brent Adamson K2SAW Terry Nelson AD7P

  1. Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

  1. Treasurer Report Terry Nelson AD7P

I sent the report out on reflector. Nothing more to report

  1. Repeater Report

At this time everything is working.

  1. Ares-Races Brent K2SAW

Do not forget the fox hut coming up and there will be a antenna work shop at CSI to build a antenna and antinuater

  1. 773 Explores Ben N7Ben

Next Saturday is JOTA please come out and support this.. It will be at the Scout Office.

Money has already been pledged for the explorer post to fund getting into the Robotics contest

On Oct 30th the Boise robotics club will be down here to give us a work shop on motor movements and connecting them

Old Business

Removing tower from Ken Greens will not be till Spring

New Business

There was a lengthy discussion on adding verbiage to our by-laws. The main topic that was talked about was what are the steps to remove a member from the club when it is necessary and who has that authority. There were ideas presented on what needed to be added to the By-Laws to help define this. It was suggested we add the radio amateur oath from the ARRL web site to our by-laws. There were motions made and motions withdrawn. In the end it was decided that the Board of Directors would present to the club next month its proposed changes.

The other topic discussed was how to fill a vacancy in the Board of Directors when that office is vacated during a term.

The BOD will also present a plan how to handle this next month.

It was suggested that when you pay your dues on the website there be a check box added that you have to check stating you agree and will abide by our by-laws.

  1. Half pot was 31dollars

  2. At 9:58 it was moved and received a second to adjourn the meeting.


9/11/21 9:02 AM -14 Members Present

  1. Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President

Board Members present, Brent Adamson K2SAW

  1. Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

  1. Treasurer Report Terry Nelson AD7P


  1. Repeater Report


  1. Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

Our presence at the Twin Falls fair went well. Had a lot of people that looked at our emergency trailer and asked questions.

Next month we will have another Fox Hunt

  1. 773 Explores Ben N7Ben

Our troop is growing, we now have 9 kids showing up. We will be building a 200 to 300 lb. robot to compete in a competition. The building of this will start after the first of the year. Until that time we will be working on smaller robotics and Arduino computers. The kids have named there robotics team the “Technomentors.” The name of their robot is Tato. This project is going to take some money to do, but we are working on grants and other things to cover all the costs.

  1. Old Business

Jeremy KA7BIF Fox hunt was on August 28th. It went well. It started at Fred Myers and ended at the Airport. Other ideas about ways to do a fox hunt were discussed

Alex W0LVJ Now that the hot weather is over we will get a plan of action to take down Ken Greens tower.

If you are interested in helping with the Mentoring Program please get in contact with Alex.

Ben K7BEN The ham license class in Burley will be postponed until the Spring

New Business

Alex W7LVJ. We need to start making revisions to our By-Laws. For example How do we handle if a Board Member Steps down. Do we leave that position open till next election or do we hold an election now to fill that spot.

Since there were so few at the meeting this topic was tabled until we had a larger quorum to discuss it

Jeremy KA7BIF Jamboree on the Air will be Oct 16th. It will start at 8:00 AM

  1. Half pot was 25 dollars

  2. At 9:24 it was moved to adjourn by Bil W8MPW and received a second form Jeremy KA7BIF



  1. Called to order by Alex Payne W0LVJ President
    Board Members present, Brent Adamson K2SAW, Terry Nelson AD7P, Bob Brodovsky K6UDA


  1. Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

  2. Treasurer Report Terry Nelson AD7P

We have about $6,000 in the account total. The power bill for Hansen Butte was about $60.00. This increase is from the AC unit that has been installed to keep the temperature lower for the equipment


  1. Repeater Report

Everything is working at this time

  1. Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

We are going to have the emergency trailer to the fair. We still need two volunteers. I have tickets for you. We still need people to sign up for Ares-Races. No testing is required to get your ID and work with Twin Falls County.

  1. 773 Explores Jeremy KA7BIF

We had a meeting last week we had two show up. This year is going to be more focused on Robotics. We are looking to build up to having 10 members so we can join a Robotics competition. This might take some time but we will continue to work towards that. Even if we do not have enough to join the competition we will still work with robotics. We will be recruiting while we are at the fair.


  1. Old Business

Parks on the Air with a pot luck. Ben KJ7GUI was going to head the first on up. Alex will check with him for more information.

Jeremy KA7BIF Fox hunt will be on August 28th

Remember the Rupert Ham Swap on the 21st

Are we still interested in starting a HF net? If we are going to use 75 meters it needs to be earlier in the day. We do not have to use 75 meters let’s try something else. Are people willing to take turns being Net Control? Several said they would help out.

It was talked about how digital like FT-8 is great we as hams need to not forget to really communicate. As in Talk or CW good old Rag Chew. Get to know other hams out there. Learn more about them than signal strength and Call Sign. Make real friends.

The Mentoring Program was discussed. Several members are willing to help with this. It would be nice if the VE’s had a list of people that are willing to Mentor when they pass there test. Alex W0LVJ will head this up. If you are interested in helping as a mentor email him.

New Business

Taking down a tower for Ken Green. Need someone to climb and remove antenna. No one can climb at this time. Alex will get with Kelly K7SU to talk further details.

Bob K6UDA needs some help with a Stepper BowTie Antenna. Jim W7OUU will help.

Ben N7Ben Will be teaching another Ham License class in Burley.

  1. Half pot is 41 dollars Dave WA7SDO had the winning ticket.

  2. It was moved to adjourn by Jim W7OUU and received a second form Jeremy KA7BIF



  1. Called to order by Ben Parker KJ7GUI President

Board Members present Brent Adamson K2SAW

  1. Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

Question during introductions was “What is your favorite repeater” Most common answer was the one I am on at the time.

  1. Repeater Report Kelly K7SU

We now can do EchoLink, Allstar, we can do analog into digital, Check our webpage for further information. Idaho Falls repeater is down at this time.

  1. Ares-Races Jeremy KA7BIF

First Friday of Sept we need 5 Ares-Races members to volunteer to help out at the fair. We will be with Twin Falls county booth. It will be from noon till about 10 pm one day only.

We have the new decals on the emergency trailer. It looks really good. We will try to have a radio on the air during this time

  1. 773 Explores Ben N7BEN

Things are on hold till we get closer to school starting. We had fun with the balloon and will do that again but we also want to do some robotics.

  1. Old Business

Field Day Brent K2SAW

We held Field Day at Murtough Lake, We shared the area with the town of Murtough. They were set up out there for their 4th of July Celebration. This help to bring some foot traffic over to look at what we were doing. They also invited us to the dinner which was very good and we also got to watch their fireworks being set off right in front of us.

We got about 1644 point half of which were bonus points. Our GOTA station was a huge success. Bob K6UDA manned that station most of the time. I think he got away from it maybe once during the whole time.

One of the coolest things I think was the young man that was brought down to the event by his mother so that he could participate. I think everyone did a good job of making him feel welcome and helping him pout with his questions.

Jeremy KA7BIF

WE also had boys scouts there that were able to pass there radio merit badge.


Special thanks to Dave WA7SDO for being on the radios and responding back when people get on.

I am still working on the Parks on the Air. I would like to combine it with a pot luck.

  1. New Business

Mike K7MDI

It was brought up by Mike if the Board has the right to remove a member from the club. He also brought up our status of our 501C3 Non-profit

  1. Half pot is 43 dollars Brent K7SAW had the winning ticket.

  2. It was moved to adjourn by Jim W7OUU and received a second form Gene W7JCJ


K7MVA Meeting Minutes

  1. Called to Order 6-12-2021 9:00 AM Presiding : Ben Parker KJ7GUI President

Board of Directors Present. Ben Parker KJ7GUI, Brent Adamson K2SAW, Terry Nelson AD7P

  1. Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions 28 people present

During introductions we were asked to respond to the question “Have you ever built an antenna?” The majority of the group responded that they had.

  1. Repeater Report

Lance KB7SQS We have two new repeaters. Filer 443.750 analog. Will probably need more than a hand held to get into this repeater. Hansen Butte 145.170 analog. The purpose of these repeaters is so you can use your analog radios to get into the clubs Digital Network. This allows you to use Fusion, Wires X and EchoLink using your analog radios. All repeater information can be found on the clubs website Our Thursday night net at 6:45 is becoming very popular for those of you that only have analog radios use these repeaters to join the net.

Kelly K7SU Encouraged us to use the repeaters. Handhelds have their limits. Kelly suggested if you were going to use a handheld get a better antenna for it or even connect it to a mobile mag mount antenna. The clubs Wires X room has grown. We now have about 16 nodes at any given time in our room.


Terry K7THF We have new signage on our emergency trailer. This will help us be more noticeable. We will have it on location on Field Day. We still need more people to join. Please consider becoming a member of Ares-Races.

  1. 773 Explores

Jim W7OUU For the first balloon launch it went very well. We reached an altitude of over 70,000 feet. Next time we want to have more instrumentation and cameras on board. There was discussion on what to do with the unused helium instead of returning it to the supplier. Several entertaining suggestions were made.

  1. Field Day

Field day is June 26th and 27th. Will be at Murtough Lake Boys Scout Camp. We will set up at the pavilion next to the lake. Equipment setup will be on Friday the 25th. Soda pop and snacks will be furnished by the club. Members can bring side dishes if they want.

The town of Murtough will be next to us having their celebration. They have invited us to join them for dinner at around 5 PM. We will help out with supplying some hamburger. Later that night they will be setting off fireworks, we are invited to attend. Should be a good opportunity to introduce people to ham radio.

  1. New Items

Ben KJ7GUI talked about the survey he did on things that the club wanted to do. Two of the items were Parks On The Air and potluck meals. Putting these two together would be a great combination. Doing them after Test sessions would give the new operators a chance to see what it was all about. There are about 8 parks in our area we could activate. There are even awards to be earned by doing this.

Starting a HF Net. For a time we had one going during the day. Would probably be better to do it at night. If anyone is interested in heading this up contact Ben.

The next item was setting up a mentor group to help members and new comers with getting set up and going with their equipment. Other clubs have done this with great success.

  1. Half Pot

$46 dollars won by Lance KB7SQS donated back to club

It was brought up several times during the meeting the importance of the Mt. Harrison repeater and how we need to support that site by donating funds to help cover costs. There is a donation page on the Page. It is PayPal friendly.  Click Here to donate!

Moved by Terry K7THF to adjourn, it had a second and meeting was closed a 10:06 AM

Presentation on Antenna Modeling



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: April 10th, 2021 Called to Order: 09:00 MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex, W0LVJ
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 31 people
Pledge of Allegiance

Repeater Report: (Kelly, K7SU)
Mt. Harrison Fusion repeater 449.299 is currently down and will be until later this summer when we can get up there to check it out. Montpelier has joined the MVARC Fusion Network with a Fusion repeater. We are also working on getting an Analog system hooked into the Fusion network.

Treasurer Report: (Terry, AD7P)
Accounts look great and if you want a copy of the report, send email to

IDs - would like to get BULK of people to get IDs.
Bike Race – haven’t heard anything, so things are on track. Anyone can join/assist. Haven’t worked out what
system, Analog or Digital, and if Cross-Repeater(s) are needed. Based on track, more than likely will be on Analog.

Explorers 773: (Jim, W7OUU)
Flight Package is getting put together. May take 2 Thursdays to get together. SPOT and APRS units will be on the balloon for tracking. Weather is being watched. This isn’t going to be rushed. Getting the package together first, then will watch weather and then it’ll be ok time to launch. Pictures are being taken as well to document.

Field Day 2021:
Possible Murtaugh Lake or at the Club House again
Brent, K2SAW is going to be heading the FIeld Day Committee this year.
Motion: To place incoming Vice President as Head of Field Day
Seconded: Jeremy, KA7BIF and Bil, K8MPW
Motion Passed

Nominations: Bob, K6UDA
Nominations closed – Bob is elected as Member-At-Large

Nominations: Alex, W0LVJ – Brent, K2SAW
Brent 13
Alex 09

Nominations: Terry, AD7P
Nominations closed – Terry is elected as Treasurer

Vice President:
Nominations: Jim, W7OUU – Alex, W0LVJ
Jim 10
Alex 11
Elections are now closed. New Board of Directors are:
Ben, KJ7GUI – President
Alex, W0LVJ – Vice President
Brent, K2SAW – Secretary
Terry, AD7P – Treasurer
Bob, K6UDA – Member-At-Large

Half-Pot: $50.50 – Winner, Kelly, K7SU
Motion to close by Jim, W7OUU – Seconded, Kelly, K7SU – All in favor. Meeting closed at 10:09



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: March 13, 2021 Called to Order: 09:00 am MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 31 people

Repeater Report:  Kelly  K7SU
Mt. Harrision repeater 449.200 Wires-X repeater is down due to weather related issues at 9000 feet.  Will be down until we can get to the site, probably in June or July.  All other repeaters working fine.

Explorer Report:  Jim W7OUU
Getting ready to launch the high altitude balloon on April  3rd.  Explorers are getting final assembly ready for launch.  April 17 is the secondary launch day in case weather does not allow April 3rd.

ARES Report:  Jeremy  KA7BIF
Considering having the balloon be the fox in the fox hunt for April.  Haven't decided yet.  Bike race is still scheduled for May 22nd. 

New Business:  Kelly  K7SU
Will be having an auction on the reflector soon to auction a vertical antenna/radial plate owned by Lee Kelly and donated to the club.  The money from the antenna will go to the club.

Discussed what to do with remaining popcorn from Explorer popcorn fund raiser.  Will try to sell remainder for discount price then donate remainder to charity.

Presentation: Old video on vacuum tubes.

Adjourned at 10:14 a.m.




Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: February 13, 2021 Called to Order: 09:00 am MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 17 people
Treasure Report: Alex Payne, W0LVJ

May 22nd is the possible 1K Bike Race. Could change. Talk is that Hagerman will not be in play this year.
Fox-Hunt next week (2-20-21) 9am at Scout Office/Club House. Freq. will be given on the day of hunt.
Explorer Troop 773: Jeremy, KA7BIF and Jim, W7OUU
Popcorn for sale.
The launch of the balloon is scheduled for the First and Second Saturday of April.
Package on the balloon was modified and is smaller. We have a GPS Tracking System  and will be
delivered via Satellite. Will have some VHF as well, .
The mission is a 3hr Mission.
With package being smaller, the balloon was downsized.

Repeater Report: Jim, W7OUU
The repeater that was at Kelly, K7SU place, 443.750, is moving to the club station at the Twin Falls Scout Office.  It will be capable of Fusion AND Analog.
Equipment upgrade is going to be performed at Hansen Butte repeater site.

Idaho QSO Party: Kelly, K7SU
March 13th and 14th, volunteers needed.

A Talk About Radios and the Sherwood reports – Jim, W7OUU

Half-Pot Winner: Gene, KA3JKB $21.00

Closing the Meeting: 10:14
Motion: Jim, W7OUU
Second: Kelly, K7SU



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Saturday, January 9, 2021 – 09:00 MDT
Virtual Meeting on ZOOM
Board Members Present:
President: Brent Adamson, K2SAW
Vice President: Ben Parker, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex Payne, W0LVJ
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Total members present 24.

Repeater Report – Kelly Klaas K7SU:
Repeaters are working great. The repeater that was at K7SU SW of Twin Falls on 443.750 is being updated and setup to go to the Hansen butte to allow analog into the fusion system.
Call Communication – K7SU:
Let’s be curteous and make sure that we are ID-ing and be curteous to ID the person you are
speaking to.

ARES/RACES – Jeremy Brown KA7BIF:
We are doing a fox-hunt on months that we are not testing. Where we are having a test in
January we will have a fox-hunt in February.

Scout Office/Clubhouse – it’s still open for club members to use. 

Explorers – Jim Kennedy W7OUU:
Hasn’t been any meetings due to COVID, so at this moment we are in a holding pattern.

Magic Valley Nets:  Brent K2SAW
Lets support our local nets. We have the MVARC Tuesday net at 7 p.m., Mt. Harrison net on Monday evenints at 8 p.m.  and the Fusion net on Thursday evenings at 6:45 p.m.

March 13 and 14 Idaho OSO Party:
MVARC is the host/sponsor of the QSO party. There will be a meeting sometime in the near future to
discuss the details.
Presentation:  Virtual tours of our HAM Shacks
Closed Meeting at 10:10


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: Dec. 12, 2020 Called to Order: 09:04 a.m. MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
VP: Ben Parker KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex Payne W0LVJ
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 25 people

Terry Fletcher K7TTHF
No members have been called into service during this pandemic.
After serving 10 years as MVARC Liason for ARES/RACES, Terry Fletcher K7THF is stepping down.  Taking his place will be Jeremy Brown KA7BIF.  Terry will still be available to consult and will still maintain the COMM trailer.  Jeremy Brown KA7BIF said he would like to appoint an asst. Liason to the position.  If you are interested please contact Jeremy.  Jeremy also said the club will be starting a Fox Hunt in February for practice and training.

Explorer Post 773
Jim Kennedy W7OUU.
The Covid-19 restrictions have been interrupting the Explorer Post somewhat but in spite of the interruptions the group is moving ahead with plans to build and launch a high-altitude balloon probably sometime in February or March of 2021. 

Kelly Klaas  K7SU
The Fusion system continues to work well..  A new high-level repeater has been permanently added to to the southern Idaho MVARC Fusion System in the Boise area on Squaw Butte.  Frequency details on our FUSION page...

The Twin Falls Fusion repeater on 443.750 is temporarily off the air.  This repeater will be used to relocate on Hansen Butte which will give ANALOG access to our Fusion system.  It may be a while before this happens but it is in the experimental stage right now.

Other Business
Jeremy Brown KA7BIF will be the new liason for the MVARC Club Station.  If you would like to use the club station please contact Jeremy KA7BIF.

There is still Boy Scout Popcorn for sale through the scouting office.  Contact Jeremy Brown KA7BIF if interested.
Kevan Vogt KD7IYA is facilitating the distribution of some free GE repeater equipment including cabinets, power supplies and the radios.  Contact Kevan KD7IYA if interested. 208-878-3537

Presentation on "Grounding to stop RFI."

Meeting adjourned at 10:06




Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: October 10, 2020 Called to Order: 09:02 a.m. MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 16 people
Pledge of Allegiance

Kevin Vogt, KD7IYA, announced a new repeater may be going up on Mt. Harrison on the 222 mhz. band.

Jim Kennedy W7OUU gave a short history of the 222 mhz. band.
Kelly Klaas K7SU announced that the former Cinebar repeater is now located on War Eagle Mountain on the same frequency, 147.24-84, 100 pl.  A new antenna was installed and it is now booming into the Twin Falls area.
The 2021 Christmas Party will be held on Saturday January 9th at 6 p.m.  The members present voted to allot the BOD $1150 for prizes and giveaways for the party.  The grand prizes will be a Yaesu FT-891 HF Transceiver and a Yaesu FT-70D handheld Fusion radio.  The members also asked that the grand prizes be open only to current MVARC members.

Jim Kennedy, W7OUU, announced the club station now has a brand new Cushcraft A4S tri-band beam with the 40 meter kit installed and ready for use.

An update on the Explorer Group Post 773 was given by various members.  The current project for the Post is a high altitude balloon launch with a target date of sometime in March or April of 2021.  There are currently four active students in the group.  If any club member would like to join the Post and help with the project please contact Jeremy Brown at the Scout Office. 

Presentation:  Two high-altitude balloon launch videos from Youtube.
Winner of the half pot was Gene Kennedy W7JCJ.  $23.00
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: September 12, 2020 Called to Order: 09:00 MDT
Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 23 people
Pledge of Allegiance
Repeater Report: Kelly, K7SU
Systems are running and only issue that we may have right now is tumbleweeds that have accumulated at the Hansen Repeater Site.  SIRCOM Director has been made aware of the fire hazard at the site.

System is on-hold due to mostly COVID-19.

Troop 773 – Jim, W7OUU
Last meeting we had 4 young people in attendance. Excited in doing this balloon launch. – The Young People are doing this project. The Mentors are there to guide and assist. Need help on launch day and mostly on recovery. – Need a woman mentor to sign up and be at the meetings to meet the requirement, as we mostly have young women in the group.

December Meteor Scatter Contest – Would like to have the club to sponsor the event. Will need some assistance in storing the logs and going through them. Motion Made – Motion Seconded – Majority vote – no nays were voiced at time of meeting – majority at meeting voted yay.

JOTA – Jeremy, KA7BIF
Oct. 17th – There is a club in Boise that scouts use. 8:30 badges – 9:00 cub scouts invited out to get on the air. Going to try and get the new ladder truck out to the event. Might have another merit badge out there. No food will be out there.

Antenna – Jim, W7OUU
September 26th – Need people to come out to assist in installing the new Cushcraft A4s 4 el. beam 10m through 40m. Need someone with a pick-up to get the bricks.  Those who can help be at the club station at 2998 Falls Ave. East in Twin Falls on Saturday, Sept. 26th at 9 a.m.  Bring hand tools.

Parks-On-The-Air – Ben, KJ7GUI
Hagerman Fish Hatchery – Oster Lakes – Will be a club event – September 19th, 2020 – 11am setup 12pm

Treasurer Report: Terry, AD7P – Send email to get report of you would like.

Fox-Hunt Report– The event was a lot of fun and it was great time. Team Kennedy was the winning group.

3.858 – HF fun chat 75 Meters.  We monitor this frequency all we can so please check in.

Brent, K2SAW – Presentation
Half-Pot winner: Kelly, KF7UFJ - $31.00
Meeting adjourned at 10:00am



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: August 8, 2020 Called to Order: 09:00 MDT
Board Members Present:
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 20 people
Pledge of Allegiance
Repeater Report: Kelly, K7SU
Digital system is good – Conex area weeds have been mowed and all is good.

Treasurer Report: Terry, AD7P

SIRCOM – got everything signed and setup in place for the 146.760 Repeater. Documents are located with
Secretary – we are good to go for 10 years at this moment. 
2nd Tuesday Net needs volunteers that ARES/RACES group calls.
August 11, 2020 net, we are going over the forms for when on a call out.
Training – if we can get everyone to level 2, that would be really good.

Troop 773 – Jeremy, KA7BIF
Went to Canyon Ridge High School– 13-14 year olds signed up and 10 really interested. Getting emails sent out. Meeting 8-25 5pm at CSI. We are looking at the 6th-7th grade area to get the interested people. Don’t want to go lower than about 12 yrs old. 
From Chairman: Jim, W7OUU – moving forward with the troop.  We got everything right now to do a balloon launch. We will be tracking via the APRS Network. For this balloon launch we are going to have a tracking team, weather team, navigation team, recovery team, etc.

New antenna for the club station is a Cushcraft A4S with the additional 40 meter kit.  It has been received and assembled by Jim W7OUU and Kelly K7SU. There was a couple challenges, because there really isn’t a
manual. We will be installing the first weekend of September. Rotor and Mount are ready to go.

-- is the website – $18.50 to join the Explorers right now. Need to have the youth protection
completed to become a leader.

August 29th- we will be having a foxhunt. Kelly, K7SU will be the rabbit. 9am meet at the club station to get the information of freq and what not.

Parks-On-The-Air will be starting to activate. Hagerman Fish Hatchery will be one of the Parks open. Also setting up Summit-On-The-Air.

Starting a kids net on Wednesdays. Will be like the Thursday Night net. We are hoping to get kids interested in Amateur Radio.

Kevan, KB7IYA – Aug 22 9a to 1p – Minidoka Fairground. Annual Swap Meet

Half-Pot winner: $33.50 - Terry, AD7P
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 
Demonstration by Ben KJ7GUI on how to run your HF station from a remote location with no money invested.


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: July 11, 2020 Called to Order: 09:00 MDT
Board Members Present:
Vice President: Ben, KJ7GUI
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 19 people
Pledge of Allegiance

Repeater Report: Kelly, K7SU
Repeaters are working well. The repeater on flat-top was rebooted and working well. Building is leveled on
Hansen. Need weeds knocked down. Idaho Falls repeater has a new owner and up and running. Ketchum is back-on line as well.

Treasurer Report: Terry, AD7P

Got 14 applications submitted, but only 12 have gotten the card. There are 5 sessions completed, next one will
be when we get a new group ready.
With shutdown stage 4 – good time to get your training completed.
147.100 Repeater is off the air right now. There is some antenna work needs to be completed.
147.000 Repeater will most likely need an antenna. Motion was set to discover what the may be needed to
assist the group is getting the resources that are need. Motion was seconded and carried. Vote taken and Yas have it.
None opposed.

Magic Valley Bike Race was virtual this year.
RACE/ARES Roster was sent out a couple days ago.

Boy Scouts: Jeremy, KA7BIF
We do have a recruitment opportunity.
JOTA unfortunately had to be canceled this year, but will for sure like to get something up and running for next
year. It is on the calendar for the Boy Scouts Round Table.

Field Day Report: Alex, W0LVJ, has sent in the MVARC score to ARRL.
Old Business:

New Business:
Antenna: Jim, W7OUU
We want to have an effective station at the club station. Proposal is to upgrade the Club Station
Antenna. This will allow us to have a better contest station and Field Day station. The Proposed antenna is the 3-Element Hex Beam that covers 20, 17, 12, 10 6m. Can add 40m but will be a Dipole at $50. High Front to back ratio.  In final analysis, the antenna will be a Cushcraft A4S to cover 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters.
Antenna cannot do 80m.
Motion made to spend up to  at $1200.00 for a club station antenna – Seconded – Discussion.  Motion passed unanimously.
Should we put a cap? Motion can be amended. Jim, W7OUU and Kelly, K7SU will handle the

Idaho Isolation Round Table: Ben, KI7GUI
Ben made a coin and little certification/QSL Card for those that participated. There was about 35 people over
all. It was held on 80m. Had a Colorado, Wyoming, and Washington station checked in. There was some on fusion and some on the Instant Message. There is an SDR Receiver in Utah that is just insane and picks up a lot of stuff.
Half-Pot Winner: Kelly, KF7UFJ
Motion to close meeting. Seconded. Voted. Meeting closed at 10:04 AM MDT
Presentation by Ben, KI7GUI – DX Commander and portable operation setup.

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Held: June 13, 2020 Called to Order: 09:00 MDT
Elected/Acting Board Members Present:
President: Brent, K2SAW
Secretary (Acting): Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer (Acting): Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large (Acting): Kelly, K7SU
# Present: 19 people
Pledge of Allegiance
Thank Past President, Jim, W7OUU, for all the work.
Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF – With new position with scouts has to step down from position in the club as Executive Officer, Post Committee Chair. National BSA has increased the fee to start next year. Starting August 1, 2020 there is going to be a fee for New Troop. Explorers will not have a fee. We need to start looking at the Middle School Group – The youngest that is recommended 12-21 years of age for the Explorer.  Brent Adamson, K2SAW, will replace Jeremy as Executive Officer and Jim Kennedy W7OUU will become the new
Post Committee Chair.  Gene, W7JCJ is taking over Jim's previously held position.

Repeaters:  All are good. The 147.000 Harrison is offline and unknown why. The 146.760 Scratchy on windy days, Right now we can’t access the 76 Repeater. The tower at Hansen Butte is not climbable and needs to
come down. Not seeing the need for a full tower to be at the site for Conex. There is going to be an Email on the Reflector for a work day. June 20th at 06:00 at the Hansen Butte.
Vice President Nomination:
Lance Vander Meiden KB7SQS - Turned down nomination.
Ben, KJ7GUI was nominated and elected.
Member-At-Large Nomionations:
Kelly, K7SU, elected.
Secretary Nominations:
Alex, KF7LDR  elected.
Treasurer Nominations:
Terry, AD7P  Elected.
New Board Members:
Brent, K2SAW – President
Ben, KJ7GUI – Vice President
Alex, KF7LDR – Secretary
Terry, AD7P – Treasurer
Kelly, K7SU – Member-At-Large
Field Day – June 2020
Due to the COVID-19 we don’t have access to Murtaugh Lake, and we don’t have access to the KOA. We can do Field Day at home and count as a Club station. There is a possibility of having it at the Club Station because based on the number of people we have show up. There is an offer to have it at Terry, AD7P’s location
The Shoshone Icecave’s is an offer that is on the table.
Voted to have Field Day 2020 at the Boy Scout’s Office – Looking at being a 2A station
Jeremy, KA7BIF will be buying the drinks and chips that the club will be providing.
We are going to order pizza for Saturday Night
Here is a link to some Field Day 2020 pictures...
Motion to close meeting at 10:13 MDT
Jim, W7OUU
Second: Gene: W7JCJ
Half-Pot Winner: Jim, W7OUU



Meeting cancelled for April and May due to Covid-19 lockdown.

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
March 14th, 2020 Called to order at 09:00 MST
K7MVA/MVARC Club Room – Boy Scouts of America, Twin Falls, Idaho Office
2988 Falls Ave E, Twin Falls, ID 83301

Weekend of the Idaho QSO Party – K7MVA/MVARC is the administrator of the Idaho QSO Party. Club
station will be on the air. So will be working from home. Anticipate that we are looking at 100 entries.
Link is on the website for the county list.

Repeater report – Repeaters are working good. The 76 Repeater has a hum on it. The 147.100 repeater
is off. The VOI is placing a fusion repeater on Squaw Butte. 444.700. Got a fusion repeater in Stanley.
We have 11 repeaters in the primary fusion network. That is not counting Montpelier or Squaw Butte.
Stanley repeater is getting shut off at night. There’s gentleman names John, KN6LL in Thayne, Wy that
owns land and a repeater that is wanting to join our Southern Idaho Room so that people in that area
can talk outside that area. 445.170 Repeater isn’t connected to anything, by can be used locally. The
ID is 01.

Treasure Report – If you would like to get a copy of the report, please email

Idaho STEMFest 2020 – Still being plan. Teleconference Monday (3/16/2020) night. Maybe
postponed till next year.  (Subsequently cancelled due to Covid-19)

New Business:
Election’s are next month. Who do you want as Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member-At-

Are there any seen issues that will affect our ham bands being shutdown for emergency traffic?
With the lockdown you can take the time to get your station on the air, reorganized, etc.
There are a lot of precautions that are being put into place.

CW class – anyone that would be interesting in learning CW/Morse Code? We may have a class, and
may do it on the air. Could do it via a zoom meeting, skype, etc. Will put a feel out on the reflector.

Start thinking about Field Day – are we going to have access to Murtaugh Lake? It’s available. Has
been discussed having it at the Club House. It’s up to the club membership where we have it. If
Murtaugh Lake, we will rent a Port-A-Potty.

Got some K7MVA Patches made – Cost is $4 - $2 for the supply reimbursement, $1 to ARES/RACES,
and $1 to the club. 75% Embroidered.

Radio’s in the park will be starting the late part in April. Will skip June due to Field Day.

Quick talk about Vertical antennas – Jim, W7OUU
Myth #1 – More Radials the better – True
Myth #2 – Vertical will work ok withour Radials – False
Myth #3 – It won’t provide a 50 OHM Match if it has radials on it – False
Put as many radials as you can on your vertical antenna – Make them 1/4-wave length on lowest band to
operate on.
Difference in raise to ground lay radials – yes there is.
Shortened Antennas are compromised antennas.
Vertical Antennas are great radiators because the angel of the radiating pattern is brought down,
meaning that it goes out further before bouncing off the Ionosphere.

Meeting closed.

Here is a link to the VIDEO of the meeting



The Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club - K7MVA - Monthly Meeting
Date: Feburary 8th, 2020 at 09:00 MST
Location: Loong Hing Resturuant 1719 Kimberly Rd. Twin Falls, ID 83301
BOD Members Present: James Kennedy, W7OUU - President
Brent R Adamson, K2SAW - Vice President
Alex Payne, KF7LDR - Secretary
Terry Nelson, AD7P - Treasurer
Kelly Klaas, K7SU - Member-At-Large

Pledge of Allegance

Winter Party in January: 
Spent $1595 on the party. Brought in $1756.48 – Gain for the club was $161.28 – The winter party isn’t there to make money, we do it for the companionship and bringing the members and their families together and having a great time. We had a lot of great prizes, so well worth it.

Repeater Status (Kelly Klaas K7SU) - All repeaters from technical side are working great. New set of Duplexers for the 442.300 are at the Flat Top sight, but not hooked up yet due to weather.

Still somethings in the works. Talked with John Lusk in Montpelier  – They have 2 repeaters down there. At least one will be going into our system.

Stanley is getting a low level repeater at the home QTH of W7FSI.

Talked with Rob in Cascade and he’s getting all his stuffed hooked up ready to install on Peak Mountain, which is a 10,000 ft. site. 

Weiser is back up and running. There are 9 Fusion repeaters In our room that are Idaho based. May have 14 by the end of the summer. Usually have anywhere from 12 to 16 nodes in the MVARC room.


• Some changes at the state level. Got a new States Section Emergency Coordinator, Marty Edwards – AK7ME. Rick Briggs, who was in that position is now Marty’s assistant.
• The 2nd Tuesday MVARC Nets are ARES/RACES - Need volunteers to run that net. Terry, K7THF has been covering them. • EC001 will make you a level 2 -- ARRL Public Service – Training -- Still needs to get the FEMA 100, 200, 700, & 800 courses completed. Even if not a ARES/RACES take the EC001 course. It gives a good run down of what and why we do what we do.

• New Director at SIRCOM Brent Reid. Appears that we have a friend in him.

• Been working on getting the setup documented where we can keep the 146.760 Repeater where it’s at. Working at getting current authorizations and security clearance. Appears we can stay where we are.

• Work with Blaine County, Matt Hall, and setting up a joint exercise between Twin Falls and Blaine County. Will get details on how big the exercise will be.

• May 16th. 2020 - Magic Valley 100 Bike Race – It will be a smaller event because last year wore out a lot of the cyclists.

• Our  ARES/RACES Need to have an Annual Meeting based on By-Laws. Need to start getting people rotated into positions. March Meeting will be after the MVARC meeting on March 14th.

• We have a MOU with Jerome County Commissioners, but it appears the Emergency Coordinator (Has strong feeling for CERT) there seems to not be a great deal of desire for amateur radio. Not giving up on Jerome County, but we are on good relations with the County Commissioners. May need to do a show and tell for them so they can see what they are allowing us to be able to do to help them.

146.760 Repeater - Able to leave at Hanson Butte at the SIRCOM Site. Needs some work done on the 147.100 repeater site. The Conex building needs leveled and the tower either serviced or replaced. It is serviceable, but it needs to be replaced/inspected very well. We have the tower to replace it.

Idaho STEMFest - Kelly, K7SU –
Saturday, April 25th, 2020 @ Mountain Home Middle School - Will have Fusion Demo, and a few other really cool things. Some video ideas were sent out via email on the Reflector.  Swap meet was good. FoxHunt was a good time. Please sign-up if able to Help with the projects and help at the display table. 5 projects would be more than enough for our table/group. Motion on the floor to allow club to pay for any of the projects. - motion by Terry, K7THF, Seconded by Gene W7JCJ. There was no discussion Over 90% voted Yea - None Opposed – Motion Passed

Idaho QSO Party – Kelly, K7SU – March 14th, 2020 @ 13:00 MST to March 15th, 2020 @ 13:00 MST - All the hams outside of Idaho try to contact as many Idaho contacts as possible. We want to activate the club station, because this is what the station is for. Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club is the Sponsor of the Idaho QSO Party. Motion to have next club meeting at the Club station on March 14th. Motion by Brent, K2SAW,  Seconded by Kelly, KB7RFT There was no discussion Over 90% voted Yea – None Opposed – Motion Passed

Club Station Status/Troop 773 - Jeremy, KA7BIF
• Boy Scouts had an Executive Board Meeting. It was held to confirm the official merge of Ore-Ida Counsel and the Snake River Counsel. The merge is titled the Mountain West Council and the Snake River District. Station is in great hands and don’t see any issues there. Meeting with Lynn, the Executive Chair over the Mountain West Council, and Captain Dave Kirk, Lynn’s Assistant. Will be visiting the facility about twice a month until a District Exec can be found.  Adding a Dipole don’t see any issues, but tower, lets hold off on that. • Dues are paid for the year. • Explorer Exec Chair is still Jeremy Brown KA7BIF.    Need to get more explorers.   Looking at starting a club with the Middle School group. Still working on the details.

• Winter Field Day, the district board really was happy to see all the cars that Saturday. • Maybe another Explorer Group coming up as well, TFPD looking at starting one. • Inquiry will be put in to see about maybe having the Tower Trailer at the club station and use that.  

 Club Station will be open on 2-12-2020 at 7:30pm MST

What do you want out of our club. Jim Kennedy W7OUU
Projects/Demos,  Summer Picnic - Maybe connect with Radio In The Park

If you want the club to do something at a meeting, put it on the reflector.

Bob, KC7QR will do hats for $15.00 (Grey/Black/Kacky are the colors available.  This will have Club Logo and Call on it – He will put the club logo on back of T-Shirts for $6.00 (You supply shirt 60% Cotton Minimum)

Online auction is getting setup and will be live on the club web site soon.    Kelly, K7SU and Lee, WB7CYO have been working hard on this. If there is anything left, may bring to STEMFest. A lot of good stuff to sell off.

If you want a copy of the Treasurer’s Report email

Half-Pot drawing= $60.50 – Winner: Kelly Klaas, K7SU

Motion to adjourn the meeting: by Gene, W7JCJ Seconded: Kelly, K7SU Meeting Adjourned at: 10:10am MST




Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting December 14th, 2019
 – 09:00 MST – Loong Hing Restaurant
Broad Members Present:
     President: James Kennedy, W7OUU
     Vice President: Brent Adamson, K2SAW
     Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
     Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
     Member-At-Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU

Meeting called to order
Pledge of Allegiance
26 Members Present
Treasurer Report – If you want the report email

Repeater Report –
Montpellier ordered 2 Fusion repeaters which will soon be joining our MVARC system.
Cascade has a DR1 repeater DR1 that will be coming on line probably next spring. 
Looking at Stanley area as well.
Bald Mountain – you need to have a Digital ID setup to hit the repeater. 78 Transmit 00 Receive

   Get in your entries for the Ham of the Year award.  You can nominate your choice on our website.  Deadline for
nominations is December 17th 2019.
   CLICK HERE to go to the HOTY Nomination Page.

New Statewide Coordinator Richard Briggs, KL7BR
Check the roster and update your information– especially the Fusion section.
Need Volunteers to cover the 2nd Tuesday Night net – Need topics too. 
Update Qualifications EC-001 is available – Is online and convenient – do have to wait for certificate to arrive in the mail. 
FEMA – 100 200 300 800.   DMV is now able to get you the ARES/RACES Card Printed in Twin Falls – as well as Renewals.

Arduino Class –
Starting again in January as attendance fell off a little. Dean KI7CC will have the new schedule on sthe email list when it’s time to start again. 

Jeremy Brown –
Club House will be activated this coming Wednesday Trying to put together a memorial for the Silent Keys on the MVARC – need pictures and notes of Silent Keys so Jeremy can put together a video memorial.  Send Jeremy anything you have to  KA7BIF 

Idaho QSO Party –
March first full weekend – MVARC is the new sponsor of the annual Idaho QSO Party.  We are responsible for getting all the logs from participants. Then John Wilson K0IP will publish the results on the Idaho QSO Party.

Winter Party –
January 11th, 2020 – 30 people have signed up so far. Pork Chop is not available. Price will be available shortly (Monday) FT-991A is the main prize and tickets available at $1.00 per ticket.

MVARC Vests –
It’s suggested that we get a safety type vest because it comes with a large arm hole and velcro in the front. Does have reflective stripes as well. Approval: Majority voted to proceed.  Appears that we will have a few orders for a vest.   Will look into getting other items from Threads – Patch, Jackets etc.

Presentation: Jim, W7OUU Antenna 50KH to 900Mhz Full Spectrum Vector Network Analyzer – Amazon is available NANO VNA – is available on Prime shipping Long-Wire Antenna – End-Feed with High Impedance – 9 to 1 Ballan – may cost about $30.00 to build one.

Half-Pot $56.50 – Winner Jim, W7OUU

Motion to close the Meeting at Seconded All in Favor Meeting Adjourned 10:10 MST



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Date: November 9, 2019
Location: Loong Hing Restaurant – 1719 Kimberly Rd., Twin Falls, ID  83301
30 in attendance
Board Members Present:

                Jim, W7OUU       President
                Terry, AD7P         Treasurer
Kelly, K7SU         Member-At-Large

 Excused Board Members:
                Brent, K2SAW Vice President
Alex, KF7LDR      Secretary

 Called to order at 09:00 MDT (03:00 UTC)

 Pledge of Allegiance

Treasurer's report by  Terry Nelson, AD7P. 
      If any club member wants an indepth treasurer's report please request it and Terry will email you one.                 Treasurer@     Terry requests that anyone wanting to Join/Renew club membership or make a donation, please use the ONLINE page HERE.

After the Treasurer's report, President Jim Kennedy W7OUU reminded members that the club has certain obligations such as a $150/years power bill,  $300 yearly insurance bill, postage, event costs etc.

Board Member at Large Kelly Klaas K7SU
MVARC has procurred several ham radio equipment items over time and we are currently considering the best way to turn that gear into cash.  Ideas include an auction, an open house/yard sale, selling items online.  We look to resolve this issue and come up with a feasable plan in the near future.

All repeater systems under MVARC jurisdiction are working well at the present time.  Plans are underway with parties in McCall and Montpeilier areas to put up Fusion repeaters.  This is highly possible over the next few months.

MVARC will be taking over hosting of the annual Idaho QSO party.  This will involve reception of logs from participants, recording results and mailing of certificates.  This will be a great opportunity for the MVARC to raise its awareness around the state.  To volunteer to help contact  Kelly K7SU    kelly@

Jeremy Brown KA7BIF
Winter hours for the club station will be the third Wednesday of each month from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and other times by request.  The Club Station K7MVA is located in the Snake River Council Scouting Office at 2988 Falls Ave. East in Twin Falls.  Always use west entrance by the garage doors.  Contact Jeremy Brown KA7BIF  KA7BIF@

Twin Falls County EC Terry Fletcher K7THF
Twin Falls County EC is in good shape right now.  Reminder to all involved that an emergency can happen at any time and you need to be ready for deployment at any time.

No new volunteers to call the Tuesday Night Net on 2nd Tuesday of each month.  If this is something you would like to do please contact Terry.  If not, please let Terry know and consideration will be made for other ways to attain your EC training.  Contact Terry   RACES@

Dean Etherington KI7CC  Arudino Class
Arduino classes are going well but anyone can join in at any time.  They are being held Monday evenings at 6:30 at the Club Station K7MVA at the Snake River Council Scouting Office, 2988 Falls Ave. East in Twin Falls.  Use west entrance by the garage doors.  Contact Dean  KI7CC@

Lee Kelly K6ZVA is now in a hospice care facility in Jerome.  Dean has several items of his equipoment including a 10-40 mtr. vertical antenna and vacuum tubes.

Presentation by Brian Croner KE7LOY
Brian showed his homebrew radio gear and his "ugly man'dead bug" type of construction.  Equipment included transmitters and receivers...all homebrew...that he uses in his shack on a regular basis.

Motion to adjourn by Kelly Klaas K7SU
Seconded by Kelly Jenrick  KF7RFT

Adjourned meeting at 10:17 a.m.


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Date: October 12, 2019
Location: Loong Hing Restaurant – 1719 Kimberly Rd., Twin Falls, ID  83301
Board Members Present:

                  Brent, K2SAW Vice President
Alex, KF7LDR      Secretary
Kelly, K7SU         Member-At-Large


Excused Board Members:

                Jim, W7OUU       President
Terry, AD7P         Treasurer

 Called to order at 09:00 MDT (03:00 UTC)

 Pledge of Allegiance

Jeremy, KA7BIF – Troop 773 - JOTA is next week.  We are not participating as we don’t have the scout office behind us.  Be on the air and talk with the scouts on the radio. To find out what frequencies they are on, check out   There are two rooms set up for JOTA on Fusion.  Next year Jeremy, KA7BIF will be promoting it hard. Next year will be in a new council – merging with council based in Boise, OR-IDA.  1000 or more to run a counsel, the Twin Falls area won’t have the numbers, this is why we are merging with OR-IDA. OR-IDA counsel doesn’t use other groups to help fund.  They have  Community/Individuals in the area that help them out.

Radios in the Park – 9-28 was our second RitP – Got one member N2NRN.  It was a success.  Bil, K8MPW has things setup for November but  due to weather, he’s may not participate.  Pick it back up in April 2020 area

There are a few QSO parties happening this weekend. Voice - 3 - Pennsylvania, Arizona, South Dakota.  CW – SKCC, RTTY

ARES/RACES Report Terry, K7THF: Thank you for everything on the MV100 – Got a lot of feedback and appreciation from the group.  Got a lot of appreciation from the timing station and their thanks for backing them up and sending in the information.

Roster Edit – please check your info

Training – please complete and continue your training so that you can be part of it. ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 Courses. We need to get certified so that we are trained on how to handle the information, plus the world we are a part of.  It helps prevent giving HAMs a bad name.

Nets – 

Terry K7THF:  As of late, our count is down from 20s to 10 or lower on our Tuesday Night Net.  ARES/RACES has the second Tuesday.  We do have a conversation about ARES/RACES on that Tuesday.  What would you as members like to do to bring the attendance backup on the Tuesday net.  Would like to get the next 4-5 Months covered with the ARES/RACES folks. Contact Terry, K7THF – Lee, WB7CYO – or Alex, KF7LDR with any ideals.

Repeater usage/monitoring –

Kelly K7SU:  Have noticed repeater usage /monitoring and responding to callers is down.  Fusion has seen a lot of usage, but we still have a couple analog systems still in the area.  Please monitor them daily. 

NetLogger – Free program to download and use.  Check it out -

Treasurers report: Alex, KF7LDR – If you would like a detailed layout, please email Terry, AD7P at

Winter Party – Getting close to the time where we need to start thinking about this and your HOTY Nomination – please have nominations in December 17th.

Presentation: Greg, WB7DUO presented his camping QRP setup and told about his recent QRP camping adventure.

Arduino Class – Monday Evening 6:30 to 8:30 – – watch the first couple tutorials and you’d be caught up welcome to join.

Half-Pot Winner: Oscar, K7KOA $72.00

Meeting adjourned 10:12 MDT (04:12 UTC)


Saturday, September 14, 2019 @ 0900 MST
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Loong Hing Restaurant, Twin Falls, Idaho
Elected Members Present:
President: Jim, W7OUU
Vice President: Brent, K2SAW
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Meeting called to order at 09:00 MST
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence for Mike, W0LVJ
Introductions Minutes for last meeting on Terry,
AD7P – Treasurer Report – If you want a report, email Jim,

W7OUU – Repeater Report – All repeaters are on the air and working as they should be. Some cavities were donated from Boise for the 440 Repeater on Flat Top. Dean, KI7CC and Jim, W7OUU will be retuning the cavities. Nothing is wrong with cavities at the site, but new ones are better.

Club Station Report and Post 773 Report – Wednesday Night 19:30 to usually 21:30 club station K7MVA is activated. Everything is working properly. There is some transition stuff happening with the Boy Scouts and Local Counsel. The gear is safe. Right now it appears that we can stay there.  There is a Plan B is the works. Radio in the Park – Bil, K8MPW is spare heading. Will have Bil put this on the reflector.

Testing - 28th of September, we moved this because of the 100 Mile Bike Race.

Fluke Volt Meter (Donated by Lee Kelly)– Auction $25.00 – Brent, K2SAW

Terry, K7THF - Magic Valley 100 mile Bike Race – coming up 9-21-2019 Backing-up Magic Valley Trails Enhancement Commitee – They fund a large portion of the trail system along the canyon rim. The 100 Mile is one of 4 races happening on that date. They are running a 12, 32, and 62. We have worked on a system that should work very well. Running a test after meeting. This year there is a timing system. It’s going to be called the Flat-Lander Sprint. If you are at a timing locating, make sure that the timing mate stays in place. We aren’t making them work, we’re just making sure they stay down. Bring Duct Tape. We have 2 cross-bands repeaters. AD7P will be on top of Bell-Rapids Grade on 446.100. K7SU and K8MPW will be at Kanaka Rapids on 446.300. We got special permission to be on Private Land. All communications are on Analog. Net Control in the RACES/ARES Communications Trailer will be located at the Renaissance Plaza. This is the Start/Finish location. If you want to get your feet wet with something like this, come out to the site. Trailer will be setup 06:00. Wear your Colors. We have our logo on the bikers t-shirts this year. Tim, KI7CFN will be the sweep this year. This is new for us this year, so he’s going to be driving 100s of miles. First race rolls out at 08:00.

ARES – Getting an Emergency Communications Position filled in each of the counties has been one of the goals, and it’s been tough. Of the 44 counties only about 30 of them have a registered ARES Unit and some don’t have an EC Assigned. A few actually participate. It is slowly growing. This past week Matt Hall, K7MHH in Blaine County has been appointed the EC. Terry, K7THF has been assisting getting him up and running. Galena Repeater is being upgraded to a Digital System and going to tie into the Bald Mountain Repeater.

Busy Month – 100 mile bike race, Radios in the Park, Testing.

Alex, KF7DLR – Announcement for Mike, W0LVJ’s Celebration of Life – November 3rd, at 15:00 – Currently set at the homestead, but weather may change this. Please RSVP. Payne Family is suppling Burger and Dogs. BBQ Potluck.

Half-Pot – Kelly, KF7UFJ Raffle Winner $48.00

Presentation on RigPi - Ken, KB7DFP

 Closed Meeting – Approx 10:15am. Motioned by: Kelly KF7UFJ  – Seconded by: Kelly, KB7RFT


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting August 10th, 2019
– Location: Loong Hing Restaurant
– Called to order at 09:00 MDT Board Members Present:
President: Jim, W7OUU
Vice President: Brent, K2SAW
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU
Number in attendance:  30

Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report – Terry AD7P

Repeater Report:  Lance KB7SQS, Kelly K7SU
System Fusion repeaters are working well.  Still working to get repeater access into Idaho Falls area and Wood River Valley.  Currently working on a repeater location in Hailey that would be linked via Wires-X into the MVARC room.

ARES/RACES Terry Fletcher K7THF
State is working on getting Winlink into operation on statewide bases.  Still working through some issues with that.

MV Bicycle Race, sponsored by Magic Valley Trails Enhancement Committee, coming up Sept. 21st.  Let Terry know if you want to help out.  Still considering whether to  use analog or FUSION for the race communications.

Club Station: Jeremy Brown KA7BIF
Jeremy is activating the club station every Wednesday ening from 7:30 until around 9:30.  Anyone interested can come buy and get on the air.

Radios In The Park:  Bil Johnson K8MPW
MVARC is sponsoring Radios In The Park at the Twin Falls City Park on Shoshone St. Saturday Aug. 17th from 9 a.m. until 12 noon.  We will have HF/VHF/UHF set up and making contacts for the public to see and participate to promote ham radio and MVARC..

MVARC Explorer Post 773 recruitment at Canyon Ridge High School on Aug 7 and 8 went well.  Have at least ten good prospects for the Explorer group.  We will be contacting them and making plans.

Steven Feil N7FE in Buhl needs help with antennas.  All help is appreciated.

Theresa Strolberg, XYL of Mike Strolberg WB7NNQ (SK) needs help taking down 50 foot tower at her house.  Will contact them and make arrangements.

Presentation:  Jim Kennedy W7OUU had presentation on how to install crimp-style coax connectors.

No half-pot this month.

10:10 meeting adjourned.


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting July 13th, 2019
– Location: Loong Hing Restaurant
– Called to order at 09:02 MDT Board Members Present:
President: Jim, W7OUU
Vice President: Brent, K2SAW
Secretary: Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly, K7SU

Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report – Jim: W7OUU

ARES/RACES – Terry, K7THF The local ARES/RACES roster has been cleaned up and the state is taking care of it. Training was done during Field Day. Ten completed the training. Looking for screw-up corner jacks so that the trailer can be detached from the tow vehicle. Contact Terry K7THF if you have one or several you could donate.  There’s a monthly meeting of the Local Emergency Planning  Committee (Second Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm). Approximately 24 local hams are listed as RACES members. This allows us to work for the county. Still working on getting the ID Cards setup and taken care of. - Civil Air Patrol is looking for Radio Operators – Contact Lt. C Galen at the Airport,

Field Day – Brent, K2SAW Setup as usual at Murtaugh Lake. Had CSI Power Trailer there, but due to noise had to run on generator. Had Phone, CW, and Digital. Had a good time Rag-Crew at site. Score – Bil, K8MPW – about 50/50 on Phone and CW. About 1400 with bonus points. Did miss out a few bonus points. Log is submitted and accepted. Had scouts that were able to get on the air and enjoy.

Wednesday Nights – Jeremy, KA7BIF is activating the club station from 630-830. come to the scout office to get on the air. Scouts do get to see the club room and see what we do. August may change to 7-9, but will be addressed later.

Tuesday Night Net – Terry, K7THF ARES/RACES doing the Tuesday night net on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Testing Session:  Saturday (7-20-19) Testing session at the club house at 9 am

Brent, K2SAW, Doc, AC7M, and Jim, W7OUU are going to be teaching the classes for Tech and General, and maybe Extra

Repeater Report – Jim, W7OUU – Kelly, K7SU – Lance, KB7SQS
HANSEN Repeater – 146.760 & 147.100 – SIRCOMM has requested that we move our 146.76 repeater out of the SIRCOMM building due to security. The Conex Building that houses the 147.100 Repeater is where the 146.760 is moving to, but the building and the tower need maintenance. The antenna that is on the SIRCOMM tower will stay until they can get their guy to take down our antenna. The antenna that’s on the 147.100 will be used on the 146.760 Repeater and the 147.100 repeater is going to be shut down. Eventually the tower is going to be replaced. We will need to spend some money to put a concrete base for the tower. There hasn’t been a date set to move the equipment to the CONEX. Tower work date hasn’t been set either.

Yaesu Fusion/AMS Repeaters – Lance, KB7SQS 443.750 Repeater - Having internet issues at the site. We are working on this issue.  May want to get some coverage into Hagerman, right now we do have some coverage, just not 100%

A survey will soon be sent on the reflector to get a feel for what our club consists of, so that we, the board, can have a direction for club that it’s the best for the club. Please Respond to the Survey.

Half-Pot Drawing: $48.00 – KI7RBY

Motion to close the meeting: Kelly, K7SU Seconded to close the meeting: Kelly, KB7RFT Meeting adjourned at 10:04 MDT

Mt. Harrison yearly meeting followed.

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
June 8th, 2019 at Loong Hing Restaurant
Broad Members Present:
President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Member-At-Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Meeting called to order at: 09:03
25 People present at Meeting
Pledge of Allegience
Treasurer Not Present – No Report

Repeater Report: Kelly Klaas, K7SU - Lance KB7SQS
No new info for repeaters. Check-ins are showing up on the Fusion net from all over the world.
Room Hosting is moved because of network issues. There are projects in the works.

RACES/ARES: Terry Fletcher, K7THF
New By-Laws have been approved last meeting. Can be found on the K7MVA website.
Membership Roster has been updated for the most part.
Roster has been divided for ARES and RACES so individuals that are ARES are called on an ARES event.
ARES/RACES members are set to do Net Control on the Tuesday Night Net – the Second Tuesday
Field Day Training on the trailer 10:30 and 13:30 are the training setups. The 10:30 may change.

Field Day: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Port-A-Potty has been arranged for the date
Tower Trailer and Mast Trailer
We will be a 2A station this year.
Planning on having Solar and will have a Generator as well.
Friday evening setup is 1800
Bring your own food but also welcome to bring potluck items.  Club will furnish drinks, plates, utensils etc.
There will be scouts at the location Friday Night to Saturday afternoon and have been invited to join.

J.O.T.A.: Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF
JOTA this year is being held at the CSI EXPO Center and not the Boy Scout Office/Club Station.

Explorer Group: Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF
Needing kids Age 14 and up – We have a name, but don’t have any youth.

Club Station: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
With the equipment that the club received from Steve, K7WKR the club setup is set for Fusion, Analog, and HF including FT-991A and FTM-400.

BIRD WATT Meter - $125.00 – Club purchased the unit. Got around 6 slugs and the meter with the original case.
With the meter, the club received a lot of other things
Power Supply: Brand New – 12 Volt – Auctioned off – Bil Johnson, K8MPW
UHF 20’ Commercial Antenna up for grabs – get in touch with Dunk Layton, KD7JKB
Sound Meter – Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF
Scout Master GPS – Does work Late 90s early 2000 – Alex Payne, KF7LDR

Presentation: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Building of a ½ Wave 20m Dipole Antenna. Video will be on YouTube. Email will be sent on the reflector.
Antenna was auctioned off at the end of Meeting. Kelly Goodman, KF7UFJ

Mini-Cassia Amateur Radio Club, Inc.: Kevan Vogt, KD7IYA
Meeting is the 3rd Thursday of the month. Next meeting is the 20th of June. An email will be sent on the
Reflector with more information.
Meet with Board Members after MVARC Meeting.

Raffle: Alex Payne, KF7LDR $57.00
Motion to Adjourn Meeting - Motion was Seconded - Vote taken with no objections
Meeting adjourned at 10:37


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting May 11th, 2019 09:00 MDT

Broad of Directors Present:
   President: James Kennedy, W7OUU
   Vice President: Brent Adamson, K2SAW
   Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
   Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
   Member At Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU

Total Present at Meeting: 35

Called to Order at 09:02 MDT

Remembrance of Steve, K7WKR  SK

Pledge of Allegiance


Terry, AD7P – Treasurer If you as a club member would like a copy of the Report, please feel free to contact via email at

Lance, KB7SQS and Kelly, K7SU –
Repeater Report Lance: Got another Repeater Pair for the fusion network. Not sure where it’s going. Would like to expand to Idaho Falls possible.

Kelly: Filter on the 146.660 needs to be installed.
Talking with SIRCOM to get access for the 146.760 Repeater.

Baldy and Galina will be on the Fusion network soon.

Brack, KI7LVZ Was able to get some equipment donated and the club was sold the equipment. Over $900 was donated to MVARC. 

Terry, K7THF ARES/RACES By-Laws has been modified and a copy was supplied at the meeting. Discussion about changes Motion to Vote Seconded No further discussion Bi-Laws got unanimous vote into place. Things that still need worked on: Assistance Emergency Roster modification Frequency Plan 01- Emergency Communication Course scheduled for area September 21st – 100M bike ride – Magic Valley 100.  The revised new bylaws for AREAS can be viewed HERE.

Ham Radio Stem-Fest report–
About 300 people attended. Report came that everyone enjoyed the event. Already planning next years event. Will be at Mountain Home Middle School

Club Donation: Steve, K7WKR family donated all the amateur radio equipment to the Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club. Radios and antenna as well.  Much of the equipment has been used to update the MVARC K7MVA club station at the Scouting office.

 Boys and Girls Club presentation April 25th.  (Explorers)
Fractal  Wood Burning, 3D Printing, a few Fox Hunts, and other things. Been asked to come back. There is a new addition coming to the Boys and Girls Club. Explorer Troop may have the STEM meetings there.

 Field Day 2019 June 22 and 23 – 4th Weekend of June. At Murtaugh Lake again. We need to have a Field Day Chairman – Brent Adams took on the Role. Discussion on Power out at Field Day. Discussion on having a Digital Mode station setup at Field Day.

Kevan Vogt, KD7IYA Anyone planning on having a Swap Meet/Tailgate? Burley/Rupert getting a Swap Meet/Tailgate setup for 09:00 August 24th at Minidoka County Fairgrounds.

Mt. Harrison Repeater could use some funding to keep site up and running. The site is about $30.00 per month. To donate and help, contact Kevan, KD7IYA. 

There’s a lot of unused equipment at the Club Ham Station. What do we want to do with it? BOD has talked about doing an auction with the equipment or doing an Open House/Yard Sale at the club station. Could some of the equipment be used to supply the ECOM Trailer? What about doing a full yard sale? Take equipment to Minidoka Swap Meet? Open House/Silent Auction. Have a traveling radio/go box for events vs. using our personal equipment.

MESH Network Dean, KI7CC – There is a little bit of interest. There’s enough dishes in the area. There is a lot interesting things we can do with it and the software is smart as it will figure out the best route for everything.

Presentation: Making a QSO Contact on HF. Preformed by Kelly, K7SU and Jim, W7OUU Raffle: Winner $38.00 – Kent Reinke, KV7N Meeting Adjourned at 10:07 MDT

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
April 13, 2019 - Election Meeting
Board of Directors Present:
President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW
Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Number of People Present: 30

Called to order at: 09:00
Pledge of Allegiance

Vice President
Member At Large
President: James Kennedy, W7OUU

Vice President:
Lee Bunch, WB7CYO - Declined
Brent Adamson, K2SAW
NO other nominations offered.
Motion to end nominations
Majority voted YAY for Adamson
Voted against - None

Alex Payne, KF7LDR
No other nominations offered.
Motion to close nominations
Majority voted yay for Payne
Opposed:  None

Terry Nelson AD7P
No other nominations offered.
Motion to close nominations.
Majority voted yay for Nelson
Opposed: None

Kelly, K7SU
Doc Humphrey AD7M Nominated:  Declined.
No other nominations offered.
Motion to close nominations
Majority voted Yay for Klaas
Voted against – None

Jim, W7OUU takes President's position.
New BOD are as follows:
President: James Kennedy, W7OUU
Vice President: Brent Adamson, K2SAW
Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member-At-Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU

Lance, KB7SQS – Update on Fusion
Portable Digital Node – UDP Ports don’t need opened.
DMR is bridging to FUSION system – Fusion 3108 DMR 3116

Dean, KI7CC
Isolation transformer installed on the Packet System on Hansen Butte.

Terry, K7THF – ARES
Some things got adjusted in the trailer and things that aren’t being used got removed. Did install a new
Yaesu FTM-400 Fusion radio in the EMCOM trailer.
Next Saturday is the ARES Meeting to go over the groups and get new information out to members.
Need to talk about leadership changes. 8am Breakfast 9am Meeting – Loong Hing Restaurant.
READ the ARES Plan. Look at the ARRL ARES Handbook, at least the first couple chapters.

Kelly, K7SU – STEM-Fest
Can get in at 7am to setup. We have a Tri-Fold flyer to pass out thanks to Jeremy, KA7BIF – Students will be
stuffing the bags. All attendees will get KOA bag stuffed with flyers.
MVARC is providing an adjustable soldering station as a door prize.
Will have a lot of things being shown

Old Business:
Insurance – Jeremy, KA7BIF
Their system stated that we didn’t have a policy, but we have the paperwork. We are showing
the check cleared. Jeremy is working on getting that taking care of it to get this taken care of. Should hear
something back on Monday.

Next Meeting:
Planning of Field Day 2019
BSA will be out there and we are getting a part of the building. They will get us fit in. Will be
kids out there.
There will be a new building at Murtaugh and it’s going to be their STEM building.
For Field Day we will be running 3 Transmitters – Tower Trailer – 40M antenna – 80M Dipole is the plan.

146.660 Repeater – Maybe putting another filter on the system to clean some noise.
Cliff Burgess K7IAR is cleaning out his shack and Dunk got some books to give out.

Fox Hunt – Jim, W7OUU
Jim gave a presentation on a Fox Hunt and how to build and use a directional antenna for a Fox Hunt.

Raffle Winner: Doc, AD7M
Motion to close meeting
Meeting closed at: 10:03
Lance, KB7SQS giving demo of Personal Digital Mode not part of the meeting. New item available is the Fusion5
Tablet via Amazon.

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting March 9, 2019
Called to order at @09:03 MDT
BOD Members Present
Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member At Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
BOD Members Not Present President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW - Sick
29 People Present at Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance Introductions
Treasure Report – Request via Email –

Race/ARES – Terry, K7THF – Emergency Coordinator
There are 9 members in TF County.
RACES is not an Organization – Just a set of rules. We are an ARES Unit. Members need to go to to get registered, if haven’t already.
The roster is still getting worked on to have a national list vs. the state list. There is a new ARES plan, and is built to bring our level on par with our fellow units.
Read the ARES plan at – ARRL001 and ARRL016 (Not online) are tests that should be taken. There are 30 seats to pair with a mentor and we are in the process of seeing if we can do a local training. Need people to take on some roles. District 4 only currently 1 active Emergency Coordinator. There are some counties that may not have enough hams or interest in having a Emergency Coordinator. For more information on this, please contact Terry, K7THF. There are at least 2 different seminars that are geared to ARES. The By-Laws change of the group are on hold until get everything gets taken care of on Terry’s end. MV100 bike race has changed – no longer in July now in September on the 21st. Some things are still in the working for route and start/finish. Still working on figuring out our coverage area so we now where we are missing/hitting. Visit for a lot of information and links to get training and such. ARES Field Resources Manual – it’s a PDF or you can purchase for $13.00

STEM Fest coming up in Mountain Home on the 27th of April – Kelly, K7SU
Is being planned by several clubs and organizations. Location is at the Mt. Home High School. Will have outside and inside booths. Will have a swap meet with visions of the Old and the New. Putting out promotions and the site is getting around 40 hits a day – – to attend it’s free, to participate does NOT cost. MVARC is sponsoring the Fox Hunt on 2M. Will have some really neat things on our table as well.

Explorer Group Troop 773 – Jeremy, KA7BIF Got a Social Media manager now. Start thinking about Field Day 2019 – Will be at Camp Murtaugh Scouts may have a camper function Friday night Dates for Field Day 2019 are June 22nd and 23rd .

Presentation – Dean, KI7CC – Packet video

Half-Pot Winner, Kelly, KF7UFJ Motion to adjourn meeting:

Kelly Klaas, K7SU motion to adjourn.   Second: Kelly Jenrick, KB7RFT

Meeting adjourned at 10:32

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting February 9, 2019
Called to order at @09:00 MDT
BOD Members Present
    President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW
    Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
    Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
    Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
    Member At Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Attendees - 32
Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report – Terry Nelson, AD7P
Troop 773 - Stem
   Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF, reported he will be going to be going to the Boys and Girls Club to see if we can recruit get new enrollees. This is a program for  14-20 year old youth for all kinds of projects.  Kelly, KB7RFT suggested making  posters to pass out to other schools.

   Repeater Report
Kelly Klaas, K7SU, reported that the new $1200 antenna has been installed at the top of the 180 foot tower on Flat Top Butte for the 442.300 Fusion repeater.  Also installed was the 4-bay colinear antenna for the 146.660 analog repeater. Will be adjusting the pattern on the colinear when weather gets better.  Also installed was a "circulator" filter on the UHF Fusion repeater to help reduce the chances of RFI. 

Jim Kennedy W7OUU reports the RF Spectrum there is noisy on the butte. Our repeaters are really clean and that has been confirmed by observation on a Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyzer. The VHF Repeater still hears noise on the receive signal, but not on the transmit side. Appears to be Broadband noise on the butte.

   Dean Etherington, KI7CC, reports the Packet Repeater 145.01 on Hansen Butte lost a power supply but it’s up and running again.

Terry Fletcher, K7THF reports on ARES/RACES.  In the past week – got the Event Copies from the state ARRL ARES leaders–  and it shows what our qualifications need to be and it’s 12 pages full of information. Will be publicly available in the next couple months. We have room for MVARC ARES/RACES  group to upgrade. RACES is not an Entity, but a set of rules – This only requires a couple opperators, but the remaining can be ARES.  More at
Event coming up
Magic Valley 100 Bike race – July 20th is the operating day  (This has since been changed to Sept. 21)– Need people to be around 10 days before so that we can test the system and fix what is needed to fix.
Field Day – June 22nd – 23rd – Trailer has been out, but shown very little interest in it.
Severe Weather Spotter - February 20th 19:00 – This is free and no registration needed.  Course will be at KMVT – Meeting room and entrance at the north end of the building.

   Mount Harrison Chapter
Kevan Vogt, KD7IYA reports it's time for membership donations for the Mt. Harrison repeater.  The organization recently re-registered with the state of Idaho with a new name...Mt. Harrison Amateur Radio Society of Idaho, Inc.

   Idaho Ham Radio Stem Fest
April 27th at Mountain Home Middle School
MVARC will be doing Fox Hunt instead of Morse Code contest.
Will have vendors and other cool booths – Public Safety, etc
Booth will be present for the MVARC will there and Jeremy Brown KA7BIF and Oscar Carranza K7KOA are going to arrange for a STEM booth with the help of Steve Hagerty K7WKR.

Electronic Theory – Basic – DIODES
Raffle Winner: $39.00
Dean, KI7CC
Motion to adjourn: Kelly, K7SU
Seconded: Jim, W7OUU
Adjourned at 10:14
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting Minutes Sept. 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 0902
Elected Officers Present:
     President Bil Johnson K8MPW
     Vice President Jim Kennedy W7OUU
     Treasurer: Terry Nelson AD7P
     Member at Large: Kelly Klaas K7SU

# of people present at meeting: 29
Pledgte of Allegiance and Introductions

ARES/RACES Liason Terry Fletcher K7THF announced ARES/RACES Training in Idaho Falls coming up for those qualifying for 800 Series.
Fletcher said a group representing MVARC will meet Monday with Jerome County officials to discuss status of 146.66 repeater site and
     status of ARES/RACES with Jerome County.

Dean Etherington KI7CC says we are still waiting to hear from SIRCOM so we can get a new memorandum of cooperation with officials
to access our repeater site on Hansen Butte.

"Bil" Johnson K8MPW says he will have his Fusion repeater up and running soon.  All pieces should be here by Monday.  443.950 mhz.

The new Fusion repeater in Filer at KB7SQS warehouse should be up very soon on 444.600 mhz.

Steve Hagerty K7WKR announced he will be holding a Technician Class training session starting at the end of Oct. and into November.
Details for this class can be found on our website HERE.

Jeremy Brown KA7BIF said the Explorer Post 773 is regrouping after the summer.  New meeting time will be Fridays at 4:30 p.m. in the
ATIC building at CSI.  He also announced JOTA will be held at the Boy Scout office on Oct. 20th.

Kevan Vogt KD7IYA says Mt. Harrison repeaters have been maintained for the year and are in good operating order.  The new FUSION digital repeater
on 449.200 mhz. is operating very well as is the 147.00 machine.  He said memberships are being renewed and that they are going well. 

Special presentation was another Q&A session about Yaesu System Fusion.

There was no half-pot drawing this month.

Adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting Minutes August 11, 2018
Meeting called to order at: 0900
Elected Officers Present:
     President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW
     Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
      Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
      Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
      Member at Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU

# of People present at Meeting: 29
Pledge of Allegiance Introductions

Repeater Report: Dean, KI7CC retiring from maintaining repeaters.  Kelly Klaas K7SU and Jim Kennedy W7OUU will take over the repeater maintenance. 

ARES/RACES – Jerome is questioning the viability of the tower on Flat Top Butte where the 66 repeater is located. Now waiting on the word from Jerome County. Questions:  is it positioned correctly? Can it reach the east side of county? Is the tower plum? Is the Tower proper size?  There will be no development of the 66 MVARC repeater in the building and on the tower until all these questions are resolved.

Tech class end of Oct Start of Nov. Thursday evening at Boy Scout Office. Around 7pm - $20/$25 for manual

Fusion Repeater – Discussed the Agreement that was signed between parties involved. Essentially, the Fusion repeater on 443.750 will be owned by Lance Vander Meiden but operated by MVARC.  The agreement will be in the secretary file. The repeater will remain in Digital Mode being that we have 2 FM repeaters in the area, but it can be switched to AMS mode or FM mode for special occasions.

A discussion on the floor about changing out the 146.760 repeater (Hansen Butte) to a Fusion digital repeater because right now the repeater is on sale for $650 through Yaesu. Motion made by Jim Kennedy, W7OUU to purchase Fusion repeater to replace 76 machine.  Over 95% approved, none opposed.   After installation the Fusion repeater will be in AMS mode which means it will work for both analog FM and Digital.

Fusion Repeater Presentation by Lance Vander Meiden: Wires-X box is the box that gets the repeater on the air via the internet. Also Lance answered questions about Fusion and showed some Fusion capable radios.

Winner of Half-Pot- Kelly Goodman, KF7UFJ

Meeting adjourned at 10:12am


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting Minutes July 14, 2018
Meeting called to order at: 0900 Elected Officers Present: President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW
BOD Attending: 
Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member at Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Attendees present at Meeting: 20

We racked up over 1800 points for Field Day!

MV-100 Bike Rally will be held July 21.  Volunteers traveled to their positions after meeting to
test communications and cross-band repeaters.  Tests were successful.  WE ARE READY!

JOTA Details.  Will be held again at Scout Office.  More details to come.

A meeting is scheduled Monday July 16 with Jerome County officials to discuss the "working agreement" between ARES/RACES and MVARC.
Attending the meeting will be Dunk Layton KD7JKB, Terry Fletcher K7THF, Jim Kennedy W7OUU and Kelly Klaas K7SU. 
Results of the meeting will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30.

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting Minutes June 9, 2018
Meeting called to order at: 0900 Elected Officers Present: President: Bil Johnson, K8MPW
BOD Attending: 
Vice President: Jim Kennedy, W7OUU
Secretary: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Terry Nelson, AD7P
Member at Large: Kelly Klaas, K7SU
Attendees present at Meeting: 22

Pledge of Allegiance
Introductions Treasurer Report:

Twin Falls Repeater– Fully Functional
Jerome – Unknown where it sits at this time. Still working with Jerome County Officials.

100m Bike ride: still need some members to assist.   Contact Terry Fletcher K7THF if you can help.

Tube and Tent Storage: Time to consider what we are going to be doing. Time has come to clean house at current location of KLIX 96.5FM Kool Transmitter. Either store them or put them up on E-Bay.
Storage will be at Brent Adamson's (WX7L)  right now

Swap Meet: 7-28-2018 – Will be held at the Scout Office. Will make a list that could be at the Swap Meet for the Tubes.
Setup at 8 a.m.  Gates open at 9 a.m.  It's all free.  Bring your stuff!

Field Day 2018 – June 23rd and 24th at Murtaugh Lake Only running 2 Transceiver – Running 80m Dipole and triband on 10,15,20.
Club will furnish Drinks, chips, snacks – you bring your food – BBQ is up to you. Explorer Group is invited to come out with drones
Friday night 6pm setup for antenna Trailers –
Saturday Morning 8am to setup Bill, W7AAZ 40 meter vertical. 
May have a Fox Hunt Activity

Half-Pot Winner: Larry, K7LTL

Motion to adjourn: Kelly Klaas, K7SU Brent Adamson WX7L Seconded
Meeting Adjourned at 9:36am
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting May 12, 2018 -
Loong Hing Restaurant, Kimberly Rd., Twin Falls, ID.
Board of Directors Members present:
Bil Johnson, K8MPW - President
Jim Kennedy W7OUU - VP
Terry Nelson AD7P - Tres.
Kelly Klaas K7SU - Member at Large

26 people present, called to order at 9 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report - Terry Nelson AD7P

Terry Fletcher, K7THF, reported on the "Bike Race" coming up on July 21.
ARES/RACES and other members will be involved again this year providing communication.
There will be some minor changes to the route.
The 100 mile ride is a fund raiser sponsored by the Magic Valley Trail Extension Committee.
Will need about 18 to 20 hams to participate. Please contact Terry Fletcher if interested.
Also ARES/RACES is in process of updating MOA agreement with Twin Falls County Sheriff.

Club members voted to hold Field Day June 22 & 23 at Murtaugh Lake at Camp Murtaugh.
Members voted to forego the club purchasing sandwiches for the meal and each attendee will bring their own food.
Club will furnish Drinks, chips for snacks, plates and utensils for pot luck.
Setup will be that Saturday morning at 8 a.m.

No half pot today.
Adjourned at 10 a.m.
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting April 14th, 2018 –
Election Meeting –
Loong Hing Restaurant, Kimerbly Rd., Twin Falls, ID
Board of Directors Members present:
Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF – President
Bil Johnson, K8MPW – Vice President
 Alex Payne, KF7LDR – Secretary
Terry Nelson, AD7P - Treasurer
Robert Castaneda, KC7QR – Member at Large

28 People present at meeting Meeting called to order at: 09:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report – Terry, AD7P Insurance –
Purchased liability nsurance through ARRL – haven’t done the equipment on the insurance yet.
Did a quote online and it would be about $50 a month, so it hasn’t been done yet. 
Discussion – Lets keep just the liability. We haven’t lost any equipment yet that would make it worth it. Scrap getting the equipment insurance.

Repeater Report: Dean, KI7CC
Twin Falls – Civil Air is out of the ARES hut so the hut is only us in the building. Maybe moving the 76 Repeater. Weed control is great.
Civil Air Patrol is wanting a HAM to teach and be the Radio Operator

Jerome – We have dibs on the top of the tower. There’s an issue with getting bids to get everything on the tower.

ARES/RACES – Terry, K7THF Working on getting Twin Falls Cooperation agreement to match what Jerome’s agreement is stating.
Presentation – Terry, K7THF Cross-Band Repeaters

Jim, N7ZGH Passed 4-13/4-14

 Elections: President: Vice Present Bil Johnson, K8MPW is moving up to President
Secretary: Nominations - Alex, KF7LDR
Treasurer: Nominations: - Terry, AD7P
Member at large: Nominations: - Kelly, K7SU Bob, KC7QR Tim – Nomination rejected due to possible issues
Votes: Bob, KC7QR Votes counted
Kelly, K7SU Votes counted
Based on votes counted Kelly, K7SU is now Member-At-Large
Vice President: Nominations: - Larry, K7LTL Jim, W7OUU
Votes: Jim, W7OUU Votes Counted
Larry, K7LTL Votes Counted
Based on votes counted Jim, W7OUU is Vice President
Explorer Post  773 – This week they will be at Robert Stuart Middle school on the STEM program that is happening there. But a lot of great young men in the group.

Lee, WB7CYO – ARRL – Section Manager is retiring this fall. Would be cool to have someone from the Magic Valley to be a part of.

Bil, K8MPW – Presented certificate to Jeremy, KA7BIF for Outstanding Service.

Half-Pot - $22.50 – Rosie, KI7UFI

Expect an email from Bil asking what equipment you have. Jim, W7OUU Motion to close meeting Mike, W0LVJ Seconded Meeting adjourned at 10:10am

Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting March 10th, 2018
Called to order at 09:00 at Loong Hing Restaurant,
1719 Kimberly Rd., Twin Falls, ID 83301
President Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF Presiding over meeting.
Vice President Bil Johnson, K8MPW, Secretary Alex Payne, KF7LDR and Treasurer Terry Nelson, AD7P are present.

28 Members total present at meeting. Introductions Pledge of Allegiance Treasurer’s Report

Steve, K7WKR 501c3 reporting is completed this year. Didn’t have income of $50,000
Will have technician class this fall

Terry, K7THF Weather’s spotters training. Info will be placed on the reflector April 15th at Jerome county jail.
100K Bike Run – 21st of July is in the planning stage RACES training –
Will have a Crossband repeat class/training following April’s monthly meeting.

Explorer group Was suppose to have meeting 3-9-18 but no members showed up.
Keypad/Door Lock – Will be installed in the near future Lock on the club room – we can install the lock – the captain will be getting lock.

QSO Party is today. Can do at the club house if wanted.

Insurance ARRL Liability is $300 ARRL Equipment is $50 deductible and it costs $1.40 per $100 of equipment.
Motion has been passed placed on floor to just have BOD go for it if they feel it’s what is needed. – Motion has been seconded – Motion passed. Motion modified to just do it. Motion seconded – Motion passed

Repeater Report: Dunk, KD7JKB Everything is approved, just waiting for everyone at Jerome County to get everything lined up.

Certificate: Dunk, KD7JKB – Thanks for assistance on maintaining the Repeaters Dean, KI7CC –
Thanks for assistance on maintaining the Repeaters
Steve, K7WKR – Appreciation of all work on IRS/501c3

Presentation: Jim, W7OUU – Video by David Casler KE0OG – Dipoles vs. verticals.

Half-Pot Raffle: $43.00 Kent, KV7N Meeting adjourned at 10:00
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2018
Meeting Called to order at: 08:56
B.O.D. Present:
Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF – President
Terry Nelson, AD7P – Treasurer
Alex Payne, KF7LDR – Secretary
Robert Castaneda, KC7QR – Member at Large
Number present: 28

Testing session next month at the Scouting Office/Club House

Explorer Club doing great. Waiting on parts for the drones. Governors office of Boise called and a
couple of members went up and had a great time. Got about 6 members.

Pledge of Allegiance


MFJ Antenna Analyzer was donated to the club station from Brent Adamson, WX7L.

Trying to get the keypad put in for the club station.

Repeater Report
Office of Emergency Management is in charge of putting together the project on the Jerome Sheriff's tower, but the person that heads
that department is unclear of what must be done.  Dunk Layton, KD7JKB is helping to guide them. Needing to figure out contractors. Given
permission to do whatever it takes, just not pulling the cord to do it.

Mt. Harrison – No Report.
Hansen Butte site is doing great.

Treasurer report
$341 on Christmas Party raffle. Spent approx. $400

Boise will pull some funds.
Boise Convention – Motion to approve $300.00
Motion: Alex Payne, KF7LDR
Second: Mike Payne, W0LVJ
Motion carried.
(Update -- The Idaho State Convention has been cancelled so there will be no need for the money approved.  Edited K7SU 2/18/18)

Jim, W7OUU – Presentation on HF Propagation

Half Pot Drawing: Kelly Klaas, K7SU - $40.50

Motion to Adjourn: Kelly, K7SU
Seconded: Jim, W7OUU
Adjourned 9:59am

No January 2018 Business meeting.  We held our Winter Christmas Party in lieu of the business meeting.
Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
December 9th, 2017 – Called to order at 08:55
Board Members Present:
Jeremy, KA7BIF – Pres
Bil, K8MPW – Vice Pres
Alex, KF7LDR – Secretary
Terry, AD7P – Treasurer
Bob, KC7QR – Member at Large
Total Present: 25
Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurers Report
HOTY Nominations – In by the 18th

Explorer Post 773:
Meeting twice a week. Found 3-4 students that was working Real World Design Challenge – don’t have
time to complete. Will be continuing with explorer program. Will have a robot with Wireless video and Audio.
Meeting at both Canyonridge High and a couple times at Office.

Check roster to make sure info is correct – only a few responded to check-in

Equipment ordered for the Jerome repeater in the Jerome County Sheriff's building on Flat Top Butte.  and all else functional.

Winter Party:
Prime Rib, Chicken, Pork, Salmon – Same as last year. Price has not been figured out as of meeting.
Will be at Happy Landing Restaurant.
Jan, N7BRL in doing women's gifts and entertainment.
Board members meeting after meeting to finalize the door prize.
Jan, N7BRL – Theme: Curses Foiled Again -
Need characters/actors

MARS Program – Looking for Idaho Members

Insurance – Currently looking for new policy as the present one does not cover what we need.  ARRL has one that may work. 
Dunk KD7JKB won 48.50 half pot
Called to close at 09:33

The Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
October 14, 2017 – Called to order at 08:57 MDT
Board of Directors present:
Jeremy, KA7BIF - President
Bil, K8PMW – Vice President
Alex, KF7LDR – Secretary
Terry, AD7P – Treasurer
Bob, KC7QR – Member-at-large
22 people present at meeting

Thank everyone for all the help on the Office/club house.
Pledge of Allegiance.
When running coax, we were asked to go through where the HVAC lines were coming in if possible. When attempting to make room in the existing, the Freon line was
nicked and repairs are needed.  The repair will be around $1300.00
Motion was put to pay the bill – Kelly, KB7RFT – Motion was not needed.
Discussion – put up donation to assist in resupplying the $1300.00


Treasurer’s Report – Club is sitting good. Purchased a couple office things for the club room and power bill for repeater.
Discussed the ARRL bonus for when club puts in your ARRL paperwork.

Repeater Report:
Jerome Commission – Don’t want us owning antenna on their tower, so they are buying antenna, installation, and
coax. We will be rent free.

ARES/RACES is documenting all the paperwork for the repeater site. Talking about having 3 coax running up the
tower. Only costing time to get this going.
Don’t have any plans at this time for an exercise or meeting.
May have some C.E.R.T. training, but will be discussing for Jerome. Twin Falls does not have anything
like this.
Will check trailer, but nothing really to winterize.
Good training session for use of the trailer. Have had a couple walk-through, but will have another one.

Showed pictures of all the work that was done in a couple weekends.
Boy Scout Office will have a keypad access soon.
Has posters, and will have some boards on the wall.

Woodriver is wanting to work with the MVARC on the Camp Bradley link setup.

Presentation – Solar Eclipse 8-21-17
Lloyd Paul Verhage, KD4STH

JOTA next Saturday and discussion.
Setup – Talk about 1 radio. Got call for about 5 scouts showing up for merit badge. Thinking of setup for like Field
Day. Looking at about 10 scouts from Troop 74.
There is a J.O.T.A. video from previous year on the club Youtube Channel.

Winner of Half pot: Jim, W7OUU $38.50
Motion to adjourn: Bil, K8MPW
Seconded: Dave WA7SDO
Adjourned 10:47


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club
Monthly Mto order at 09:00
Members of Presidency present: Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF, President – Bil Johnson, K8MPW, Vice
President – Alex Payne, KF7LDR, Secretary – Terry Nelson, AD7P, Treasurer– Bob Castandea,
KC7QR, Member at Large.
Number of Members Present (Not counting BOD): 15
Pledge of Allegiance

Treasurer's Report – Terry, AD7P
 Lee and Bobby Kelly for service and appreciation. Terry, K7THF for all stuff with

BSA Explorer Room/JOTA – 8am to 2pm (Could go longer) – Grab fliers. Got applications.
Status of office. Carpet is getting laid 9-9-17 afternoon. Got filing cabinet and tables/desks.
Talking with students at Canyon Ridge High School in Mr. Nelson's class.
The eally wanting to have Camp Bradley
Woodriver Chapter is really wanting to assist in getting communications with Camp Bradley.
Going to be getting a couple world maps for push-pins of contacts.
The Icecream truck that Jeremy is running is willing to donate a portion of profits to the
explorer group if they are willing to assist.

ARES/RACES: Twin Falls County Local Emergency Planning Committee is having a meeting the
week of 9-11 to 9-15. The major components have had swapping of their committees. Need
more operators for ARES/RACES. Willing to take some people to the meeting.

Swap Meet – Happening in 2 weeks. Believe need more assistance.

Testing is next week. - Got VEs that are needed to have things covered.

Murtaugh Boy Scout facility is having a ribbon cutting on 9-15.

Tech License class starting this coming Thursday. 7pm is when class is starting. (Cancelled)

Tuesday Night Net – Need more organization. Larry is going to be running the Tuesday night nets
Motion to close: Jim, W7OUU
Second: Brent, KV7N
Half Pot: $34.50 – Winner: Kelly, KB7RFT


Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
Saturday, August 12
th, 2017 – 08:55
BOD members present… Jeremy, KA7BIF; Bil, K8MPW; Alex, KF7LDR; Terry, AD7P; Bob, KC7QR (Member @ Large)

Pledge of Allegiance

Treasure's Report – Terry, AD7P


Thanks to all that came out on the 100 mile bike race. Eclipse is coming.  All ARES/RACES please have radios on so if needed you can be contacted. Monitor 146.760. Protect your eyes.

Thank you Terry, K7THF for getting the 100 mile race all setup.


Mt. Harrison building – needing help and assistance to get work done. Ice tore things up this last winter.

There's still hope for the Jerome Butte Repeater setup.


Starting at 09:00. Setup is at 08:00 – Don't have anything really for a club table. Willing to split profits ½ if selling your product on the club table.

Needing people for parking and  directions. No testing at Swap Meet.


Burley Swap Meet is Next Week, August 19



Over 3100 points and are submitted. Results in November



Scheduled another Tech Class – Starting September 14th.



Tour of the facility will be at the end of meeting.
Will be a lot of work, but well worth it.
Post 773 – 7 is Reign and 73 for what we say at the end of Transmission
Learning for Life side of the BSA Umbrella age 14-20
Brent is Advisor – Debbie assistance Advisor (will need females to assist so females can join.)
We are going to be a Technology group – we have a wide range to teach. Need to stay on course.
Have access to all Snake River Counsel facilities.
Our room is 17x17

Maybe a little cost to use some facilities, but maybe only $25.00 (Activity/Maintenance Fee)
Any activity we do will be an Explorer Activity as long as there are Explorer advisers present.  $40.00 Sponsorship Fee for the first year only.  Money for projects can be raised by Fund Raisers.
We don't do the merit badges as a group, but we can assist in individuals obtaining the Communication Merit Badge. There are approx 9 badges that we can assist with.
Will have 24x7 access with keypad access to the building.
Kelly, K7SU – Motioned for the club to sponsor the Explorer Post 773
Brent, WX7L- Seconded
Only 1 opposed. Motion is carried
J.O.T.A. Will be our opening activity.
Want to be running by October 1
st, 2017

Half-Pot Winner: Jennifer, KI7PAR $46.00

Certificates of Appreciation to: Jim, W7OUU; Bob, KC7QR; Bil, K8MPW; Kent, KV7N; Oscar, K7KOA

Meeting Adjourned at 10:03

Saturday, July 8th, 2017.

There was no business meeting today.  Instead, several members of the club pulled the tower trailer and
handed out JOTA flyers at the Kimberly Good Neighbor Days parade.

MVARC Monthly Meeting Minutes for June 10th, 2017
MVARC President Jeremy Brown KA7BIF Presiding.
Meeting was called to order at 09:00 at Loong Hing Restaurant
Pledge of Allegiance


Terry Nelson AD7P gave a Treasurer's report.
Motion to accept report made by KB7RFT, seconded by KG7SIQ, approved.

AD7P reported we are ready to move the Hy-Gain 146.66 repeater antenna, located on the Jerome County Sherriff's tower near Flat Top Butte.  We are just waiting for the "go" and some organization does still need to be done.

KB7RFT asked if the club would be willing to donate some money, perhaps $150, to the Mt. Harrison Chapter for repeater expenses.  No vote was taken at this time.  It was suggested that the Mt. Harrison Chapter consider asking users of the repeater to help out with expenses.  There was some agreement that the MVARC would be willing to donate a set amount to the Mt. Harrison Chapter each year but no amount was set and no vote was taken.  It was also pointed out that MVARC has contributed a lot to the repeater in the past including $70 in March. 

Club President Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF, said he would like to see the club participate in the parades in the area this summer.  The next one is the Buhl Sagebrush Days Parade.  He also noted the Boy/Cub Scouts could be invited to walk with the club float in the parade.

Field Day Chairman Jim Kennedy W7OUU says our participation in Field Day this year will be at North View Orchard near Buhl which is owned by MVARC member Kent Reinke KV7N.  We will operate as a 4A setup this year.  Set up time will be Friday, June 23rd around 5 p.m. All hands on deck who can help set up the two antenna trailers, the club tent and several other smaller tents.  Here is a map to get to the Field Day location referenced from St. Lukes Reginal Hospital on Pole Line Road in Twin Falls.  Club members decided to have Subway sandwiches and a Pot Luck again this year at 5 p.m. Saturday on the Field Day site.  MVARC will provide drinks and Subway sandwiches, members are asked to bring some sort of food dish. 

Kelly Klaas, K7SU, was presented with the ARRL Certificate of Merit from MVARC for appreciation of the work done for the club.

Club President Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF, announced a "slogan contest" to come up with a good slogan the club can use.  Details were sent via the club mail list.

Half-pot raffle won by Jim Kennedy W7OUU.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.


MVARC Monthly Meeting Minutes for May 13th, 2017
MVARC President Jeremy Brown KA7BIF Presiding.
Meeting was called to order at 09:00 at Loong Hing Restaurant
Pledge of Allegiance


09:08 – There was no Treasurer’s report.

09:10 – Jeremy, KA7BIF – Told club members who are also ARRL members that if they renew their ARRL membership through MVARC the club will get a “commission” for each one who signs up or renews. 
Encouraged members to renew/sign up through the club.    Jeremy and Terry AD7P will manage this task for the club.  Jim, W7OUU – Explained what ARRL is about. 

 Field Day 2017
Jim, W7OUU
Club be running a 4A station this year at the Northview Orchard owned by MVARC member Kent Reinke KV7N.  Will have antenna trailer.  Oscar, K7KOA – will let club use generator Will have Port-A-Potty available
Food will be decided for Saturday
Jim, W7OUU asked for Radios, lights, chairs, and Extension cords
Radio setup will be 1 Digital and 3 Morse/Voice

09:25 – Jeremy, KA7BIF – Club/Hobby Exposure, Getting people into the hobby.
Being in Western Days Parade
Give out brochures to the public
Doing a Fox Hunt
Getting Kids into HAM RADIO.
Club willing to sponsor a school club
Jim, W7OUU – Club needs to be able to talk with kids

09:45 – 146.660 Repeater and Jerome County Sheriff
Things are put on hold at the Jerome County Sheriffs Office. Changes are happening in Jerome County Offices.
Jim, W7OUU – does the club want to be on hold as well, or should we make a “Plan B”?
Dunk, KD7JKB – Talks about the history of the plan and also history of “Plan B”
Jim, W7OUU – we should go with “Plan B” and if so some ideas to change
Kelly, KB7RFT – What if we get kicked out
Dunk, KD7JKB – Won't happen
Topic Closed

09:40 - “GO” Bags
Kelly, K7SU – Talks about his “Go” Bag
Oscar, K7KOA – Talks/Show his “Go” Bag
10:03 – Half-Pot Drawing
10:08 – Problems with Reflector and reminder what its use is for.  Club members have first priority.  If non-members do not approve of reflector content they can unsubscribe.

10:10 – Rosey, KF7UFI Motions to Close
Jeremy, KA7BIF Seconds

10:11 – Meeting Adjourned


 MVARC Meeting Minutes for 4/8/17
President Kelly Klaas K7SU Presiding

Meeting called to order at 9:01 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance

Treasurer’s report by Treasurer Terry Nelson AD7P

Kelly Klaas K7SU asked for volunteers to help in the MVARC booth at the Idaho State Convention.
Volunteers included Bill Carver W7AAZ, Doc Humphrey AC7M, Bil Johnson K7MPW, Kent Reinke KV7N and Oscar Carranza K7KOA.

Klaas called for volunteers to help with the MVARC sponsored CW contest.  Volunteers include Brent Adamson K2SAW, Debbie Adamson, Bil Johnson K8MPW and Kelly and Rosey Goodman KF7UFI, KF7UFJ.

Klaas mentioned MVARC has an active Facebook page and encouraged all to check it out and make posts.

Klaas announced that he and Steve Hagerty K7WRK visited Kent Reinke’s orchard and check it out for a Field Day site this year.  There are several site possibilities.   Jim Kennedy W7OUU volunteered as Field Day Chairman.  Brent Adamson K7SAW will assist. 

Elections were held at the meeting.  Results are:

Jeremy Brown KA7BIF automatically takes office after serving one year as Vice President.
Vice President – “Bil” Johnson K8MPW
Secretary – Alex Payne KF7LDR
Treasurer -  Terry Nelson AD7P
Member at Large – Bob Castaneda KC7QR

After the election Jeremy Brown KA7BIF took over as President.

Terry Fletcher K7THF had an ARES report announcing training exercise May 20, 21.  If we get more participants and exercise will be held.  If no more volunteer to help the exercise may be cancelled.  Contact Terry if interested.

President Jeremy Brown encouraged the club to be pro-active.  Announced JOTA participation Oct. 21st at the Boy Scout Office. 

Next month bring a radio go-bag if you have one to welcome and encourage new hams.

Dunk Layton KD7JKB said the site for the 146.66 repeater is progressing and the antenna has been ordered. 

Kelly Jenrick KB7RFT suggested some type of repeater to help hams in Hagerman get out of the canyon.  Suggestion was to not do anything until the 146.66 repeater is in operation at new location as it may fix the problem. 

Raffle winner of Jim W7OUU.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


11 March 2017 Club Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes Written By: Jacob Wright
Total # Of People At Meeting: 32 

0904  Club Meeting Starts
0904 Pledge Of Allegiance
0905  Introductions
0908  Kelly (K7SU) reminds members club elections will be next month

0909  Terry AD7P Gives Treasure Report

·        Kelly Motion To Accept Report

·        Motion To Accept Report and seconded.

·        Members vote unanimously to accept.

0910  Kelly (K7SU) Talks About The Club Being At Idaho State Convention (April 20-23, 2017). Will Be Doing A CW Contest.
0914  Oscar talks about the JOTA location(Boy Scouts Office), dates, and hopes for the event to be a family event. Brings up the need for the club to set down a firm time table for the event. Brought up the idea to have multiple stations and maybe have some classes. Jim points out that the club needs to bring their “A” game since the club has all this time to plan and the need to bring in more youth.

0924  (Old/New Bussiness) Jim brings up the need to start really planning for Field Day since it’s come up real fast. Kelly says Kent’s (KV7N) Orchard is our location this year..

             Time goes forward Tonight.

             Congrats to the new HAMs

0927  Debbie Draws Half Pot Winner
0929  Dunk KD7JKB announces congratulations for club members who have worked at getting new hams licensed throughout the year.
0930  Chris demos his mobile IRLP/digital setup. Answers questions about his setup and some specs on the system.

 1007 K2SAW motions to conclude meeting.

            KV7N 2nds motion.

Club meeting ends.


11 February 2017 Club Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes Written By: Jacob Wright
Total # Of People At Meeting: 27

0904  Club Meeting Starts
0904 Pledge Of Allegiance
0905  Introductions
0907  Terry Nelson AD7P Gives Treasure Report

·        Kelly Motion To Accept Report

·        Jim 2nd Motion To Accept Report

0909  Kelly (K7SU) asks if members desired a New Date For Winter Club Party Due To Weather Conditions. Board Of Directors Will discuss a backup plan if meeting is changed due to weather.   Also asked members if there was a desire to change location.

            Poll (Not Official Vote)

·        13 In Favor To Keep It Where It Was At

·        3 Opposed

0916  Jeremy Brown KA7BIF Asks For Club Members Help (Bodies & Stations) To Help Cub Scouts Get An Award by participating in Jamboree On The Air (JOTA). Will Be Put On Calendar.

·        Oscar Is Willing To Speak To Scout  Council To Have The Grounds Be Used For The Cub Scouts if needed.

0920  Attending club members vote That The Club’s ½ Of The Half Pot Will Be Donated To The Mount Harrison Chapter repeater fund. The Ticket Winner Can Decide What They Want To Do With Their ½.
0921  Terry Fletcher K7THF Speaks About RACES Operations/Participation & The Need For Some More Club Members To Join RACES
0927  Kevan Vogt KD7IYA Talks About The Mount Harrison Repeater Fees/Costs That Need Help Covering. Kevin Has Also Asked For Some Help To Uninstall/Install Antenna On The Station’s Tower.
0939  Chris Hembre W7CTH Shows/Talks About OpenSpot (Digital Packet) For Mobile/Hand Held Digital Transmitting/Receiving. Also Shows Wireless Router To Hook Up To Hot Spot.
0943  Kelly (K7SU)  Talks About MVARC participation At Idaho State Convention. MVARC will  Be sponsoring A CW Contest. Members authorize/approve $300 For Prizes From Club Accounts And To Make brochures.  Also Asking For Assistance To Man The Booth. Brings Up Registration Fees.
0952  Kelly (K7SU) Brings Up The Need To Get A Projector Screen.  Members approve.
0953  (Old/New Business) Dunk KD7JKB mentions The Need For People For RACES  And To Have Some People Have Their Radio’s On
0954  Kent KV7N Talks About his Achievement of transmitting from Every County In The USA (3077). Does A Presentation And Show Antenna/Radio Rig & Method Of Transportation Of Equipment.
1017  Lester (Guest) Draws Raffle Winner.  (Winner, Jeremy Brown KA7BIF)
1018  Meeting Adjourns



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
December 10, 2016
     Presiding: Kelly Klaas, K7SU President
     Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF Vice President
     Alex Payne, KF7LDR Secretary
     Terry Nelson, AD7P Treasury

Meeting called to order at: 09:00

22 in attendance
Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report
Winter Party - Jan, N7BRL - White Elephant gift exchange. If participating bring a gift. Men buy men
Woman buy Woman or you can buy one for either.
Steve, K7WKR - Price $22.00 per person if ordering the Christmas party menu. Prime Rib,
Chicken, Pork Chops, or Salmon. Includes soft drinks and dinner roll, veg, etc. Can order off the menu.

Elmer’s Net - Bil, K8MPW - meets Thursday on the 146.76 and talk about anything or everything that is
FCC Approved

ARES/RACES - Terry, K7THF - Got table & Chairs. Got a laser printer. Spring will look out for a shelter.
Idaho Disaster team changed it’s name recently. In the process of getting an exercise setup.
Repeater Report - Jerome still waiting on the sheriff to get the antenna. Did get coax wrapped on tower.
Need to get building leveled at spring.

Presentation - Slow Scan TV
Allows to transmit without Microphone. Soundcard Interface allows easier setup. There
is one you can build for about $20. If you don’t use interface, difficult to setup the box. SignalLink - about
$100 -- Rascal 2 -- can borrow from Bil, K8MPW

Rolly, W7KOT - Half Pot winner. $51.00
Meeting adjourned at 09:40 MST



Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
November 12, 2016
Presiding: Kelly Klaas, K7SU President
Jeremy Brown, KA7BIF Vice President
Alex Payne, KF7LDR Secretary
Terry Nelson, AD7P Treasury

Pledge of Allegiance
Treasurer Report - Approved

Hansen Butte cleaning - tower needs to have some things completed.
Teaching classes at CSI and Field Day Results - Steve, K7WKR
   Tech Class - Starting around the end of January. 6 Sessions at CSI at 2.5 hours each.
   Notes on reflector with specifics.
   Cost: Base fee of $40, maybe close to $50.00. Will get book and license exam fee.

Field Day - Won Idaho again (2nd Year Running) and had High Score for Idaho.
   Did leave about 400 points in the dust that we can get.
   CW Contacts helped us.

Kelly’s tower use project fell through.

Sun Valley (Blaine County) area law with Handheld mics for Amateur Radios in vehicles.  Still waiting to see impact.

Winter Party: Talk about having a different location. Discussion will be in February.
   Winter Party 2016/2017 - Jan, N7BRL is MC - Menu choice is the same as last year.
   Theme of party is White Elephant gift exchange. Just make sure it’s wrapped. One gift of each
   individual. Cost of about $5.00
  Gifts for woman will be dinner gift cards.

Repeater Report:
3 weeks ago - conversation about Jerome Site. Doug McFall is right on it. Twin Falls site is
running strong.

Large Prize Raffle Tickets
Start selling tickets in Feb and raffle off at the Winter Party.

Received a Donation of $560.00 for an Estate Sale. Will disccuss what we want to use money for.
Will have talk about getting a small folding table and a couple chairs and a 10x10 cover. May want to get
an up-to-date computer system and a new printer.
Would like to setup an exercise in Spring to see what we can do and stress our setups to see where
we can improve. Do need to see about getting more personal so that we can have relief for people. May
setup a long testing session as well.

Video - How to make a Fox Hole Radio Receiver
Half Pot raffle winnings of $60 was donated to club.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10

18 in attendance
Meeting time 9 a.m.

1) Pledge of Allegiance
2) Introductions
3) Everyone reported on new radio toys and/or notabls QSO's
4) Treasurer's report
5) Report from "Bil" Johnson K8MPW on Thursday night Elmer's net regarding lots of Elmers but few who need help
6) Report from Terry Fletcher K7THF regarding money to ARES from N7GUC sale
7) Report from Dean Etherington KI7CC regarding help needed for maintenance at ARES repeater site
8) Report from Kelly Klaas K7SU regarding club to start Tech classes at CSI for adult ed. for spring semester
9) Report from Kelly Klaas K7SU for urging members to be on lookout for room or building suitable for club station
10) Group discussion on location for January Christmas party.  It was decided we would have it again at Happy Landing at airport.
11) Watched video on "Ham Radio Aboard ISS"
12) Winner of half pot Dean KI7CC
13) Adjourned 10:35 am


1) Pledge of Allegiance
2) Introductions
3) Discussed new "radio toys" some of the members attending had procurred.
4) Report from Bob Castaneda KC7QR on the Swap Meet coming up on 9/24
5) Discussion from Kelly Jenrick KB7RFT that the Civil Air Patrol is interested in having the club teach their members about radio operations.
6) Discussion about possibly holding ham radio classes through CSI and using their resources.
7) Doc Humphrey AC7M presented some pictures of the Evel Knievel jump back in 1974.7)7) Presentation from Bob Rodman, N7SVI about making antennas from flea market finds.
8) Presentation from Bob Rodman N7SVI on making antennas from flea market and yard sale finds.
9) Raffle winner of the half-pot was Rick Lang, AD7JS.
10) Adjourned



1) Pledge of Allegiance
2) K7SU is going to put the minutes on the web (reflector) instead of having them read each meeting.
3) Jim Kennedy W7OUU talked about meteor shower scatter.  There was a meteor scatter that just happened.
4) Kelly K7SU mentioned the bicycle 100 mile run that we are participating in providing communications from eight pit stops along the run.  Any one who would like to participate can.  All eight stops are filled already.
5) The treasurer AD7P gave a financial report.
6) KC7QR talked about the swap meet the club is holding next month and how we need people to volunteer to help.
7) Bil, K8MPW, talked about the Elmer’s net on Thursday nights and how he is running things now compared to when the net was first started.
8) Kelly (KB7RFT) talked about how the Civil Air Patrol would like us to teach radio communication techniques to their people.  The contact person is being invited to come to our meeting next month.
9) Steve K7WKR is going to start a Tech class this autumn and a general class this winter.
10) Kelly showed a YouTube video about how to test the voltage on a car battery. 
11) The drawing for a flat of peaches from Kent, KV7N, won by Jim Kennedy W7OUU 
11) adjourned at 0950.

Meeting Minutes
MVARC Bylaws
Ham of the Year
Explorer Post 773
Idaho ARRL
MVARC Fusion
Online Swap Meet
Getting a License
Free Ham Software
Other Links